Linux has become the world’s most popular operating system, and over half of the worldwide device shipments are based on Linux.
– The Linux kernel was invented at our department. It is definitely the most influential software coming from the Department of Computer Science having significant global impact, says Professor Sasu Tarkoma, head of the department at the University.
Linus Torvalds, the inventor of the Linux kernel used to study and work at the department and simultaneously work on the kernel. The kernel work started in 1991 and the 1.0 of the operating system was released in 1994.
– Our department is very proud of Linux and we have been using Linux in teaching and research since 1994. We have used Linux extensively in OS and protocol research as well as in scientific computing, Tarkoma says.
Linus Torvalds is an Honorary Alumnus of Faculty of Science since 2011 and he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate (Doctor Honoris Causa) of the University of Helsinki in 2000.
On the 22nd of August the Department of Computer Science celebrates the 25th anniversary of the operating system and its great success. The seminar consists of talks that give insight into the origins, current state and best practices pertaining to Linux.
Follow some Periscope streams (in Finnish) from the seminar starting at 1 pm on Twitter thru @helsinkiuni and listen to Professor Sasu Tarkoma on Youtube.
Read more on Depart of Computer Science and perhaps also on how students make your plant spin.