Sisters Erika and Irene Naakka are in a transitional phase of their lives. The pair work as social media influencers mainly on Instagram and host their own podcast called Naakkavalta.
Both are also contemplating their next moves.
Erika Naakka holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree, having defended her thesis on oral cancer at the University of Helsinki in March. She has been creating social media content on cosmetics and beauty since 2011, but is now seeking employment in biology and hoping to land a job soon.
Irene Naakka is known as a feminist and non-fiction writer – and as an accomplished creator of humorous social media videos. She holds a Master of Arts degree from the University of Helsinki.
Before studying at the University, she dreamt of becoming an actor and performer.
– I feel that’s exactly what my work is about. It means I now have the courage to pursue my childhood dreams again and think I might eventually have the chance to perform for a living on a bigger arena.
Late-night messages
The sisters agree that people working on social media should highlight issues that matter to them.
Irene worked several years as a journalist in the news media. Not long ago she noticed feeling nostalgic about her time as a journalist.
– It was great to work in a newsroom, and I now feel it might be nice to do so again. But I also want to be in the public eye and crave attention, which you don’t get when you’re just another journalist.
Erika thinks that entertainment is an important source of psychological wellbeing particularly in turbulent times. The two launched their podcast in autumn 2023 with the idea that when times are dark, you need something light to restore balance.
– And now with our followers, I hope and believe we can make a difference, at least in a small way. Our podcast has addressed issues such as animal rights and feminism, says Erika.
She believes that detailed beauty content created by a cell biologist may help people choose the right products at the cosmetics counter and eventually purchase fewer items.
Both sisters describe their approach to working together as above all relaxed. The line between work and leisure is often blurred, however. When working with your sister, you need not hesitate to send her a work message at 11 pm.
Cancer researcher and journalist by chance
Circumstances led Erika Naakka to investigate oral cancer. One of her closest fellow students suggested she start working in Tuula Salo’s research group at the University of Helsinki’s Faculty of Medicine. Erika joined the group as a laboratory coordinator to oversee activities.
– Although I originally didn’t want to write a doctoral thesis, I ended up doing so. My mother has had oral cancer, which increased my interest and motivated my research.
The key finding of her doctoral thesis on oral cancer was that the substrate used to culture cancer cells in laboratories for drug trials affects cell behaviour.
– Cancer drug trials employ either a mouse-derived substrate – Matrigel – or a plastic one. I questioned this approach, she explains.
To simplify things, you can say that a mouse-derived substrate may not accurately describe the behaviour of cancer cells in the human body after the administration of drugs.
For Irene Naakka, studying Finnish was a good second choice. Her dream was to study at the Theatre Academy, but it was not something anyone particularly recommended.
– So I made a totally rational decision and chose my second most appealing option. As I liked writing and wanted to be a journalist, I decided to apply to study Finnish.
Today Irene is, alongside her other work, co-owner of the content marketing agency Content Corner, where her duties include copyediting.
– My studies left me feeling I wouldn’t change anything. I wanted to complete a university degree and do it in Helsinki.
For Erika, her doctoral studies at the University of Helsinki taught her everything about research work and demonstrated the high quality of Finnish research.