iCAN Digital Precision Cancer Medicine Flagship
iCAN is a national R&D flagship providing solutions to the cancer challenge through a discovery and innovation cluster at the interface of precision cancer medicine and digital health. It consists of various research infrastructures and provides innovation ecosystem services for cancer medicine and digital health researchers.
University of Helsinki Life Science Research Infrastructures are available as HiLIFE platforms to all UH researchers as well as users outside UH. HiLIFE comprises of three units: the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), Institute of Biotechnology (BI) and Neuroscience Center (NC). Click the link to access individual platform sites for information on available services, instruments and technologies, access guidelines, user fees, and contacts.
Research infrastructures available in the Helsinki region to support neuroscience research.
HUS Helsinki University Hospital (in Finnish)
Research infrastructures and researcher services offered by the Helsinki University Hospital. In Finnish only.
The HOH research network expands and shares scientific knowledge on how human, animal and environmental health are inseparably linked, and seeks holistic multidisciplinary solutions for health-related global challenges.
Centre for Research on Addiction, Control and Governance (CEACG)
Research centre focusing on alcohol, drug and cigarette use, gambling and other lifestyle issues, and the governance, control mechanisms and policies aiming at modifying them.
The Helsinki Health Study project has monitored the health of approximately 9,000 midlife employees of the City of Helsinki since 2000s with follow-up surveys conducted every 5 to 7 years.
All UH datasets are listed at UH Research Portal
Use search functions to find UH researchers, publications, projects, research infrastructures, research units and more.
Neuroscience researcher portal
Principal Investigator-level neuroscience researchers and clinicians at the University of Helsinki, Aalto University and the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa.