Incubator and entrepreneurship services

Kumpula Campus provides various services supporting entrepreneurship and idea creation. Researchers and students interested in entrepreneurial activities have access to facilities, mentoring, events, networking and more extensive pre-incubators and incubators linked to the campus’s themes and expertise.
Incubator programmes

The pre-incubators and incubators offer support for formulating and refining ideas, forging contacts and gaining insight into markets and customers, as well as for answering other questions that students and researchers face when embarking on entrepreneurial activities. Pre-incubators and incubators are offered on all University of Helsinki campuses.

Kumpula Campus organises two programmes, linked to its research themes, that support idea creation and entrepreneurship. Further details about each incubator can be found on their respective websites.

Pre-incubator: Compass

The Kumpula pre-incubator, Compass, focuses on artificial intelligence, deep technology and sustainability. It is designed for teams and individuals with a business idea suitable for the thematic focus. During the pre-incubator, which runs from six to eight weeks, the participants work on their ideas, participate in workshops, network with others and receive support and mentoring. Application periods and further information can be found on the pre-incubator’s website.

Incubator: Nexus

The Kumpula incubator, Nexus, focuses on artificial intelligence, deep technology and sustainability. It is intended for teams further along in the process. The incubator lasts for six months, with the possibility of a six-month extension, and consists of mentoring and workshops. During it, the participants further refine their idea, ultimately aiming to set up a company. The periods of application and further information can be found on the incubator’s website.

Entrepreneurship services

Continuous support for entrepreneurship and ideation is available on campus, for example in the form of facilities, idea sparring, networking opportunities and workshops.

Kumpula Business Labs 

The largest campus of natural sciences in the Nordic countries provides a diverse and extensive range of research equipment as well as competent staff. Housing a company or its R&D unit in university facilities is an excellent way to boost cooperation between the university and businesses. For start-ups, Kumpula Business Labs offers a business environment with lower capital requirements. 

Helsinki Think Company 

Helsinki Think Company offers support and a community for those interested in entrepreneurship. Think Company hosts a co-working space on the basement floor of Exactum DK116-117. The space is meant for working on various projects and you can book it for events related to entrepreneurship and working life. The staff helps with different questions about entrepreneurship and organise events for ideation and networking.

Maker Space

Kumpula campus has its own Maker Space, where you can build small prototypes, try 3D printing, use various electrical tools and other materials. Maker Space operates in Helsinki Think Company's co-working space.