2024 Participating Teams

Below you'll find brief introductory descriptions of all the 13 teams participating in the third round of Biosphere.

Team Members: Özgür Çakmak, Recep Erdoǧan, Burcu Čakmak

Farms and people working in agriculture often face difficult financial hurdles, when applying for bank loans and state- or EU-supported funds, grants or subsidiaries due to difficult and overcomplicated paperwork and low credit scores, represented by a rejection rate of 40% and 30% - respectively. 

AGROFIN aims to simplify the process of getting a loan and boost farmers' credit scores, easing the financial burdens of the farmers. Their solution would present itself in the form of a freemium-modelled app, where users can monitor their credit score and cash flow in real time, manage different bank accounts, compare banking services and that would offer data analytics.

2. DeCO2

Team Members: Baljeet Singh, Timo Repo

With more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than ever, there has been more outcry than ever for governments, companies and entire industries to do something about it, for the sake of our collective future as a species. Carbon collection has emerged a promising means for companies to mitigate their impact on the environment and it's only estimated to become even more prevalent in coming years. However, there is still a lot of space for innovation and finetuning within the space, especially focusing on sorbents, which are the materials used to bind carbon to in carbon collection

DeCO2 is aiming to gather funding and launch an independent sorbent design facility in India, leading the way to make carbon collection accessible to a broader demographic and aiding the word to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

3. Kauno Group

Team Members: Lisa Drewsen, Kasey Cherington

The modern skincare market is flooded with products, yet many lack effective ingredients, sustainable practices, and justifiable pricing for the quality provided. Kauno Group aims to redefine skincare by harnessing the power of Nordic nature. They are exploring the use of fermented blueberries and other natural ingredients sourced from pristine Finnish nature. A major part of their products would be blueberry pomace, which is a byproduct of juice production and high in antioxidants and nutrients. 

Kauno Group aims to be a forerunner in the skincare industry by championing sustainability and waste reduction, embodied by the use of otherwise forgotten materials.

4. Best Choice Groceries

Team Members: Denis Lapin, Cristian Capsizu

As a consumer, you can be easily overwhelmed by the sheer volume of choices available and the difficulty of finding sustainable and climate-friendly options. Measuring the quality of food items can be a daunting task as reading customer reviews can yield inconclusive results even after hours of searching and calculating nutritional values is incredibly time-consuming. And with the global obesity epidemic, customers can have a hard time with making healthy choices for themselves when presented with all the choices you face when entering a grocery store.

Best Choice Groceries aims to alleviate this problem by creating an AI-powered e-commerce platform, which would allow people to review, counter-reference and compare purchased grocery store products and share their experiences with other people. It would tackle the increasing prevalence of obesity by recommending healthier alternative food items and offering guidance on how to change eating habits. It would also utilise AI to automatically enter items outlined in a recipe to a shopping cart.

5. OliOil.io

Team Members: Kristian Laiho, Pekka Aalto, Sten Krinpus, Helen Aavisto, Anand Tanna, Elina Kanerva, Marja Kuutti-Sopanen, Arturs Pumpurs

It's no secret how devastating oil spills are to marine life, bordering countries, and the environment at large. With oil exchanging hands and in terms of weight in tons, oil tankers accounting for 29% of all seaborne trade, there is bound to be accidents. 700+ million gallons of oil leak into the ocean every year and on average, there is an oil spill every 15 minutes. Currently, the cleanup of oil spills is done either manually by booming and skimming, chemically by burning or with the help of sorbents or completely ignored. These solutions are costly for the environment, and place people in hazardous environments.

OliOil.io has a patent-pending solution for an autonomous first aid kit for oil spills. In practice, their solution comprises of an AI oil spill simulator AI-powered robotic vessels, that clean up and collect oil spills sustainably with booms and skimmers. The simulator simulates the spread of oil and how much each vessel can collect, after which the vessels start automatically cleaning up the spill with booms and after the area is pronounced clean, OliOil saves details and shares the information relating to the spill.

6. NexTry

Team Members: Elena Matyushenko, Aleksandr Antropov, Dmitry Avdoshin

Online shopping has become increasingly popular by offering convenience and a wider selection of products than physical stores. However, one significant challenge in the online apparel industry is the inability for customers to try on clothes while shopping online. Customers often face uncertainty when purchasing clothing items because they cannot see how a specific piece will look on them or other specifics of clothes, like the vibrance of colour, condition and the feel of it. This leads to a high rate of returns and dissatisfaction with online purchases.

NexTry aims to address the problem of uncertainty in online clothing shopping by developing a virtual fitting room. By leveraging artificial intelligence and neural networks to develop a platform that allows users to virtually try on clothing items before making a purchase decision. NexTry is committed to developing a middle ground between traditional in-store shopping experiences and online purchases, enhancing convenience and confidence for customers.

7. Kadeli

Team Members: Sari Hilden, Eliška Čejpová, Karina Ovanesian

In today’s fast-paced business environment, traditional recruitment methods can be a significant drain on time and resources for companies.

Kadeli is developing an AI-powered HR system that revolutionises the hiring and onboarding processes. Their system is designed to be a flexible solution, tailorable to meet the unique needs of companies seeking efficiency and effectiveness in their strategies. The company functions with a subscription-based system in addition to providing expert consulting services.

8. NeuroSync

Team Members: Alireza Shams Shafigh, Amin Ghazanfari

Alzheimer's is one of the most devastating diseases imaginable, as there is no cure and not even an efficient method to delay the disease progress. Families with family members suffering from Alzheimer's are plagues by costly examinations and unnecessary checkups. These checkups and examinations add up, with the average Alzheimer's patient or their families having to shill out upwards of 28 000€ a year to monitor the progression of the disease.

In a war, where Alzheimer's shrouds the cherished memory and independence of a loved one, NeuroSync stands as a beacon of hope. The team is developing a cutting-edge technology platform aimed at enhancing cognitive abilities and improving the lives of people suffering from Alzheimer's and related cognitive disorders. By utilising AR and VR technology, along with the metaverse, NeuroSync offers personalised training programmes and immersive experience, in order to facilitate memory recall, retrieval and retention.

9. EcoGeo Materials

Team Members: Mohammad Alzeer, Ibrahim Abdelsalam, Ahmad Alzaza

The transition to climate neutral society is one of the most pressing needs for the world during the next generations, in order to secure the longevity and vitality of our planet. Clean energy has been offered as a solution for this, however recent research has shown, that even that may not be enough, fostering the need for rapid deployment of decarbonisation strategies. Current carbon capturing technologies rely heavily on aqueous imines which have multiple problems such as the the degradation of the solvent and the coercive nature of imines which requires the use of heavy metals.

EcoGeo Materials is aiming to be a frontrunner in the battle against climate change with their solution, which incorporates scalable CO2 sorbent materials and carbon-capturing building materials. Their materials can be constructed from abundant resources such as natural clay or even industrial waste, such as industrial slags, mine tailings and ash. In practice, their materials could be placed on top of a carbon-emitting source, acting as a filter or applied as panels and rooftops at construction sites.

10. SafeSustainSpace

Team Members: Muhammad Kashif, Abdul-Basit Syed, Irfan Saeed, Salman Ali Khan

As of late, there has been a noticeable increase in laboratory accidents at research institutions across the globe due to gaps in safety, such as lacking training, and insufficient or flawed communication with laboratory trainers or managers. Sometimes these accidents can cause serious harm or even death, as laboratories often handle corrosive or toxic chemicals.

SafeSustainSpace aims to address this problem by creating a mobile app and platform with comprehensive lab safety instructions set by the institution.

11. Smartroot

Team Members: Alaa Benkherouf, Ahmed Amine Touahria, Moaadh Benkherouf

The world of agriculture is plagued by low crop yields, unsustainable agricultural practices and the overuse of agricultural products, such as water, fertilisers and pesticides due to a lack of information on agri-tech, more sustainable practices and new technologies in addition to the ongoing labour shortage within the field.

Smartroot aims to address these issues by developing a precision farming solution. Powered by AI and IoT, their solution would monitor, analyse and deliver nutrients and water automatically to only the areas that would benefit from their addition, eliminating the overuse of agricultural products and lessening the need for manual labour.

12. MapSeedling

Team Members: Mohammad Imangholiloo, Markus Holopainen

MapSeedling leverages advanced technology to create precise forest inventories at the early stages of growth. Utilising a combination of drone imagery and cutting-edge AI algorithms, our innovative platform is designed to accurately assess and monitor young forests. This approach not only enhances the accuracy of forest inventories but also supports sustainable management and conservation efforts from the outset.

13. Pica Lataus Oy

Team Members: Christina Itkonen, Moaadh Benkherouf, Shreyas Ramachandran Srinivasan

The transition to electric vehicles is one of the most important stepping stones when it comes to a truly sustainable future. However, most electric vehicle manufacturers often overlook the needs of transport professionals such as truck drivers, couriers and taxi drivers in their quest for widespread adoption. Industry professionals simply lack the infrastructure needed for long days on the road and charging electric vehicles can take a painfully long time just waiting around for the battery to fill up.

Pica Lataus aims to address this issue by developing fast charging stations, around convenience stores and service stations designed for professional drivers. Additionally the service stations would allow the drivers a comfortable and welcoming space in which to spend their breaks, and buy snacks or beverages.