Call for papers: EAA session "Metal Detected Artefacts in the Plough Zone: Information Lost or Found", Belgrade, 6–9 September

In the EAA conference, on 6-9 September 2025 in Belgrade (Serbia), EPFRN is organizing a session on 'Metal Detected Artefacts in the Plough Zone: Information Lost or Found'.

Thousands of archaeological sites lie within the plough zone, where agriculture has a direct impact on the preservation of valuable information. Many of these sites have been discovered by metal detectorists, sparking an ongoing debate as to whether they are rescuing artefacts from degradation or inadvertently compromising the limited information contained within ploughed soils. While such discussions are undeniably important, and largely dependent on the laws and practices governing metal detecting in different countries, this session focuses primarily on the informational value of plough-soil finds. 

The session invites papers that consider how different search method techniques and legal restrictions affect our understanding of potential sites within the plough zone, and how metal detecting and other fieldwork methods complement each other to maximise this understanding. Papers may also consider what types of find assemblages are considered indicative of potential archaeological sites, and introduce current research projects focusing on the plough zone and the (metalwork) artefacts it contains. Another important focus will be the impact of public finds recording on our knowledge of the archaeological landscape, how public finds databases can be productively analysed, and how this practice has enriched or limited interpretations of artefact distribution. Presenters will also be encouraged to consider whether artefacts and their find contexts within the plough zone are often ignored because of assumptions that this layer contains limited information or whether challenges arise instead from certain biases, such as the fragmentation and limited accessibility of artefactual and contextual data.

The call for papers is open now. We invite submissions up to 6 February 2025. More information about the session and instructions for submission: