EU Alumni Club

The EU Alumni Club, based in Brussels, aims to bring together the alumni of the University of Helsinki who live in the area. The EU Alumni Club was founded in Brussels in September 2017. There are especially a vast amount of Finns living in Brussels region and they have a lot to give to the university and to each other.
Join the club

The mission of the EU Alumni Club is to create a lifelong and worldwide community of alumni through increased opportunities for meaningful engagement, in other words: Stay connected, continue learning and support University of Helsinki.

EU Alumni Club offers alumni meaningful opportunities in:

  • Creating and strengthening connections and networks between present, former and future students and the University of Helsinki as well as building internal sense of community through various EU Alumni activities.
  • Promoting and supporting Helsinki University’s research excellence and education; attracting the best students, researchers and employees to the university. Reinforcing the positive image of the University of Helsinki as an international actor.
  • Developing lifelong learning in the University of Helsinki and using its possibilities for self-development and to update new professional skills. Providing one’s expertise to the University of Helsinki and the other alumni.
  • Close communication and dialogue between the University of Helsinki and the Alumni communities on current affairs, especially regarding scientific studies, topical EU matters and news concerning the University of Helsinki.

Would you like to join the club? Contact us through alumni(at)

Alumni share their stories
Especially when working for the EU the networks are necessary. The additional value in university fellow alumni networking is significant. Just this itself gives a good reason to be active in club activities. I see it important to have a role in branding the University of Helsinki at Brussels.
EU Alumni Club Group of Active Alumni

EU Alumni Club group of active alumni members in 2023-2024 are Minna Wilkki (contact person), Emily Tullberg, Maria Loima, Saara Harjula, Jarkko Sirén, Hilu Kangas-Ranta and Mari Linnapuomi

More information:

Contact person in Brussels, Minna Wilkki, minna.wilkki(at)

Contact person in Finland (Helsinki Alumni), Tiina Naskali, tiina.naskali(at)



Coming Events


Past Events

26.9.2017 EU Alumni Club Event at Bibliotheque Solvay in Brussels

15.3.2018 Lifelong learning event at the Permanent representation of Finland to the EU in Brussels

16.3.2018 Info event regarding University of Helsinki studying possibilities held for Brussels Europe School (EEB2) 5.-7. grade students

3.5.2019 Luncheon event: In­te­rac­tion between Science and You

6.11.2019 Elements of AI event at Helsinki EU Office, Brussels

6.10.2022 Event regarding EU recruitments of Finnish talents

2.10.2023 Activity planning meeting at Helsinki EU Office

20.3.2024 EU Alumni Club event at Helsinki EU Office with MEP Heidi Hautala, about EU lobbying and its ethical aspects.