WildAP Services and infrastructure

Wild Animal Phenotyping (WildAP) Services and infrastructure available to researchers

WildAP provides services through researcher training and access to state-of-the-art phenotyping equipment, analysis software and infrastructure. The concept behind WildAP services is to allow for seamless and efficient planning and actualization of phenotype-based research. I.e., Researchers can consult WildAP expertise at the planning and grant application stages of work, be trained in the use of WildAP facilities and equipment that they are renting and be further supported during research.

To make a booking request, please fill out this form. Preliminary inquiries about 2025 pricing can be made by contacting John Loehr.
List of equipment and facilities available for rent

To make a equipment booking request please fill out this form.

Consultation, planning and field work fees:
Coordinator: 87.60 €/hour
Technician: 27,50 €/hour 

Description Amount Model Price € (UH, Alv 0%) Transportable?
x-ray absorptiometry: animal condition analysis through lipids, bone density 1 iNSiGHT DEXA 1.22€ / hour  Yes
Biomolecular imager: multispectral imager for e.g., colour analysis 1 Sapphire imager 100€ (training fee) Yes
Digital microscope: imaging and measurement of small and microscopic organisms 1 Olympus DSX1000  5.40€/day Yes
Animal movement tracking and analysis: laboratory, cameras, aquaria and software  2 Noldus Ethovision 75.77€/week Yes
Animal movement tracking analysis: software only 2 Noldus Ethovision 5€/week Yes
Animal movement tracking and behavioural analysis 1 Loopy tracking software 143.63€/week Yes
Computer aided sperm analysis: motility and concentration 1 SCA evolution 40.00€/week Yes
Invertebrate enclosures 4   53.08/enclosure/week No
Imaging: Digital SLR camera  3 Nikon D7500 0.70€/camera/week Yes
Imaging: Tripod 1 Manfrotto befree GT 0.05€/day Yes
Imaging: Trail cameras 4G  81 Spypoint plus 0.07€/camera/day Yes
Imaging: Trail cameras with close-up option 24 Burrel Edge HD 0.07€/camera/day Yes
Imaging: Thermal imager 1 FLIR T865  3.95€/day Yes
Bioacoustics: Audio recorders 40 Song meter mini 2 bat Li ion 0.10€/recorder/day Yes
Bioacoustics: Audio recorders 40 Song meter mini 2 Lio ion 0.10€/recorder/day Yes
Animal id: PIT tag reader 6   5.00€/reader/week Yes
Logger: Temperature logger 56 iButton DS1921G-F5#  0.04€/logger/day Yes
Logger: Air temperature, soil temp and moisture logger 10 TMS-4 Extreme 0.17€/logger/day Yes
Video imaging: GoPro cameras 3 Hero 11 0.10€/camera/day Yes
Physiology: Aquatic respirometry chambers  1   5€ Yes
Physiology: Invertebrate metabolic rate analyser 1   5€ Yes
Learning and behaviour: Avian automated operant learning chambers (TOC) 3   19,49€/chamber/week Yes
Incubators  1 MMM 222L Climacell 40.54€/incubator/week No