FIMM Metabolomics/Lipidomics/Fluxomics Unit (FIMM Meta)

FIMM Metabolomics is a functional and precision focused mass spectrometry-based metabolomics analytical services providing core facility. FIMM Meta is a member of the Biocenter Finland and HiLIFE national infrastructure platforms. FIMM Meta offers services with open access policy to nationally and internationally to academic and non-academic customers in many diverse scientific fields.

FIMM Meta provides high-throughput LC-MS targeted quantitative and global metabolomics/lipidomics and fluxomics services to basic, biomedical, preclinical and clinical research. We provide rapid analysis services for metabolites and lipids from different biological classes and various types of samples (biofluids, dried blood spots, cells, extracellular vesicles, cell organelle isolates, tissues, stool, biofilm, dental carries etc.) from humans, animal models (mouse, rat, dog etc.), C.elegans, drosophila, bacteria and yeast etc.