
Sarah Butcher awarded Alfred Kordelin prize

The Alfred Kordelin Foundation awarded Sarah Butcher the Alfred Kordelin Foundation prize for her contribution to Finnish science on the 6th November 2017.

Link to the announcement in Helsingin Sanomat https://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-2000005437566.html.

Link to the Finnish news in the University web pages https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/uutiset/elamantieteet/alfred-kordelinin-palkinto-pro…

Nobel prize in chemistry awarded for method to visualize biomolecules

The Nobel prize in chemistry has been awarded to Jacques Dubochet, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Joachim Frank, Columbia University, New York, USA, and Richard Henderson, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK, for developing cryo-electron microscopy for the high-resolution structure determination of biomolecules in solution.


Interview  in C& E News https://cen.acs.org/articles/95/web/2017/10/Cryo-electron-microscopy-innovators…

Interview in Helsingin Sanomat https://www.hs.fi/tiede/art-2000005394534.html

Interview about all of the Nobel prizes in Helsingin Sanomat TV https://www.hs.fi/tiede/art-2000005401270.html

History of the high points of the field written by Peter Brzezinski of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry advanced-chemistryprize2017


Crystallography characterizes viruses in intact cells

Determining the structure of a virus without having to isolate it from cells first is the dream of many scientists. Helen Duyvesteyn and her colleagues from the University of Oxford, Diamond Light Source and the University of Helsinki are working to make this dream come true.

In their recent study (Scientific Reports doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-21693-3), the researchers described how viruses grew and formed crystalline arrays inside cells.


Helsingin sanomat 21.3.2018: Voidaanko flunssaan löytää lääke? Ratkaisu voi piillä viruksen pinnan alla, ja sen jäljillä ovat nyt Helsingin yliopiston tutkijat.

Uutinen Helsingin Sanomien Tiede sivuilla työstä, jota Prof. Sarah Butcherin tutkimusryhmä tekee rinovirusten parissa.
