Department of Chemistry, Chemicum, A.I. Virtasen aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki
The UH internal prices (excl. VAT) valid for 2024–2025 are listed below. Please ask a quotation for your project if you need multiple services. External users, please contact Associate Prof. Mirkka Sarparanta for pricing and access to service.
Service | €/h |
Project planning and assistance | 45 |
Radiochemistry (labor) | 60 |
Use of (radio)synthesis and analytical equipment | 35 |
Image analysis / Assisted use of the imaging systems | 45 |
Leica CM1950 cryosectioning | 20 |
FLA-5100 digital autoradiography | 20 |
BeaQuant real-time autoradiography | 20 |
Use of image analysis software (workstation) | 5 |
Radiotracers | €/batch* |
2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxyglucose, [18F]FDG, <2 GBq | 370 |
Al[18F]F-RESCA-rat serum albumin, <2 GBq | 310 |
99mTc-human serum albumin nanocolloid (Rotop NanoHSA®), 1–6 GBq | 259** |
99mTc-DTPA (Technescan®), 1–6 GBq | 288** |
*Radiotracer prices include radionuclide production, radiochemistry work, use of radioanalytical instrumentation, radiolabeling precursor and quality control. The price of the transportation to Biomedicum 1 or Biocenter 3 will be added.
**For 99mTc-radiolabeling, a 4.3-GBq 99Mo/99mTc UltraTechneKow® generator (890 €) is ordered. The generator is good for approximately 5–7 radiolabelings within one week.