Diagnostic Imaging Service for Animals

DISA, offered by the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) in the Viikki Campus, includes diagnostic imaging services for researchers.

The equipment and expertise of the unit allows imaging from tiny cadaver fish up to large horses, depending on the imaging modality and focus of the study. VTH anesthesia unit offers state-of-the-art services for all kinds of animals. Museum pieces and comparable objects are also welcome for imaging.

Contact person: Mirja Ruohoniemi, +358 2941 57164, mirja.ruohoniemi@helsinki.fi

Location: Small Animal Hospital, Koetilantie 2; Equine Hospital, Koetilankuja 1, 00790 Helsinki


  • Radiography
  • Ultrasonography
  • Computed Tomography (CT)
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)



  • Small animals: Canon Arcoma Intuition DR
  • Large animals: Shimadzu UD150B-40
  • C-arm: Philips BV Libra


  • Philips Epiq 7
  • Philips Affiniti 70 G


  • GE Lightspeed VCT n64


  • Small animals: Philips Ingenia 1.5T S
  • Equine distal limbs: Hallmarq Standing Equine MRI (0.3 T)

User fees:

Please contact Mirja Ruohoniemi, mirja.ruohoniemi@helsinki.fi

Fees depend on the needs of the project (e.g. timing, anesthesia, interpretation of images). Multidisciplinary projects need to be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.