Biomedicum Virus Core

FuGU Libraries is now part of Biomedicum Virus Core unit (HelVi-BVC).


Biomedicum Virus Core (HelVi-BVC) service unit as a part of Helsinki Virus Cores (HelVi) offers a wide range of lentiviral and some retroviral services for internal and external customers. HelVi-BVC is a service platform that provides biosafety level II laboratory space for recombinant virus production on the Meilahti Campus as well as lentiviral and retroviral particle production services. We also provide consultation and technical help for our customers. Our services cover consultation in experiment design, standard and concentrated recombinant viral particles and viral titre analysis. For further information, please check our full-service list.

The BVC facility is equipped with basic cell culture equipment such as laminar hoods, incubators, centrifuges, and microscopes. All registered users have also access to use the EVOS® FL Imaging System.

Our focus in lentivirus services is to produce viruses from the libraries maintained by the Genome Biology Unit (GBU): human and mouse genome-wide shRNA library (RNAi Consortium (TRC) library, Broad Institute) and CRISPR/Cas9 gRNA library (Sigma-Aldrich). For more information about the library services please visit GBU web page or contact GBU customer service:

Furthermore, we also produce lenti- and retrovirus particles from customer-provided constructs/plasmids.

HelVi-BVC contact information

Head of Biomedicum Virus Core: Juha Klefström, professor,

HelVi-BVC Management and customer service:, +358294125494

Location: 5th floor, Biomedicum 1, University of Helsinki Meilahti Campus, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki. Office: room B508b. BVC facility: room C505b.

Delivery address

Biomedicum Virus Core

University of Helsinki

Haartmaninkatu 8

FI-00290 Helsinki


Internal mail: Biomedicum Virus Core, PO 63, 00014 University of Helsinki

Core and service users: Please remember to acknowledge the use of BVC facility and our services in your publications!