We provide assistance in the experimental design of next generation sequencing (NGS) experiments, support for the analysis of model organism related NGS data, and have mature best-practice and computational solutions for a variety of model organism related NGS applications. Please note that sequencing analyses acquired from the FIMM sequencing unit include our basic services.
Price estimates for University of Helsinki customers given below (VAT 0%). The final price of the service may vary based on size and complexity. To request a quote, please contact the unit.
Sequencing done at the FIMM sequencing unit include basic services
Provided analysis | External NGS data |
Re-analysis |
FIMM sequencing |
RNA-seq data-analysis (basic) | 300 | 35 | 0 |
miRNA-seq data-analysis (basic) | 150 | 10 | 0 |
Germline variant calling (basic) | 150-300 | 25-75 | 0 |
Germline variant calling (advanced) | 300 | 150 | 150 |
Somatic variant calling (advanced) | 300 | 150 | 150 |
Variant filtering and annotation | 50 | 25 | 25 |
Copy number alteration | 150-250 | 35-75 | 75-125 |
Differential expression analysis | >1000 | >1000 | >1000 |
Association test | >1000 | >1000 | >1000 |
Open access service where customer prioritization is done as first-come, first-serve basis.
Analyses are performed in the order of arrival / requests
Turnaround time of best practices is about 3 days per sample, but may vary based on the size and complexity of the data
Team leader Matti Kankainen, matti.kankainen@helsinki.fi
Biomedicum Helsinki 2, Tukholmankatu 8, Meilahti campus, Helsinki