FIMM Genomics: Long read sequencing

We offer DNA and RNA sequencing service on both major long read technologies: PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). We customize methods to fit the needs of our customers’ projects.

We use HiLife iLab online system for project management and billing. Please find iLab registering and ordering instructions below.

iLab is web-based software tool designed to streamline service requests and equipment reservations in core facilities.

PacBio sequencing services

Our services include study design, library preparation and sequencing on PacBio. Library prep is done at FIMM and sequencing is performed at Viikki sequencing core with PacBio Revio instrument. Data analysis services are available and will be discussed separately for each project.

Available methods for PacBio library prep are:

  • WGS: Methylation data is produced with no extra lab steps and is included in the data release
  • RNAseq: Kinnex transcriptomics workflow
  • Kinnex transcriptomics workflow is also compatible with 10x genomics workflow

To access the data customer needs a CSC account.

You can browse our service catalogue and submit service request from the HiLife iLab online system. 

Check the sample preparation specifications and sample delivery instructions before submitting a request or sending in samples. Our staff will consult with the sample quality specifications if needed.

Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencing services

Our services include study design, library preparation and sequencing on ONT platform. Data analysis services are available and will be discussed separately for each project.

Available methods for ONT sequencing are: 

  • Ligation workflow for general DNA prep (WGS, amplicons etc.)
  • Adaptive sampling (target enrichment without extra lab steps)
  • cfDNA
  • Methylation data is produced with all workflows and is included in the data release
  • Ultra long reads
  • cDNA (cDNA with PCR, direct cDNA)
  • Direct RNA (RNA modifications)

To access the data customer needs a CSC account.

You can browse our service catalogue and submit service request from the HiLife iLab online system. 

Check the sample preparation specifications and sample delivery instructions before submitting a request or sending in samples. Our staff will consult with the sample quality specifications if needed.