FIMM Genomics is supported by the University of Helsinki (HiLIFE) and Biocenter Finland.
Our prices are composed of several parts depending on the analysis type and project needs.
Up to date service descriptions and price information can be found from online iLab project management system. You need to register and sign in to view available services.
Links for the services:
FIMM Genomics is a non-profit academic core facility. We are part of HILIFE Genome Analysis Infrastructure and a member of Biocenter Finland Genome-wide methods network. FIMM is also a member of EU-LIFE alliance.
We provide open access services on a first come, first-serve basis.
Collaboration between FIMM Genomics staff and user/research group is possible. Following criteria must be met with collaboration:
When possible, consider sharing your research outcomes such as publications, research data, methods, and codes. Scholarly publications produced should prioritize openly available publishers that can be accessed by anyone at any time. All publications produced at the University are self-archived in the Universities digital repository HELDA.
Open science contributes to the reliability and self-correction of science. Open access to research-based knowledge is key for societal and global impact of universities.