Contact Us

Contact details.
Contact Information

Postal address for mail

Institute of Biotechnology

Electron Microscopy Unit

P.O.Box 56 (Viikinkaari 9)

00014 University of Helsinki


Street address for urgent packages and visits

Institute of Biotechnology

Viikinkaari 9

00790, Helsinki


The main entrance to the building is from the short side facing the blue round Info-building. Take the stairs down from the main lobby to the ground floor and continue walking until you come to stairwell C. Above the class door, there is a text "Elektronimikroskopia", and door bell in in the door frame.

Contact email and phone


tel.: +358 2 941 59507

Research Director

Eija Jokitalo

Tel: +358 2 941 59504

GSM: +358 50 469 6799


CryoEM -unit

Group Leader Sarah Butcher (See Butchers's research group website)