INEQ launches online lecture series Inequality Talks for Autumn 2020

The online lectures ”Inequality Talks” will be addressing a wide range of issues related to inequality

The series will start with Professor Danny Dorling (University of Oxford), who will share his ideas about where inequality research is heading on 17th of September.

Lecture series will continue with As­so­ci­ate Pro­fessor Rense Nieuwenhuis (SOFI, Stock­holm University), who will discuss about Family Di­versity in the Dual-earner Model on 26th of November.

Our Autumn events also include two online workshops and online research seminar Intersecting Inequalities (I2)


First workshop will be Lin­guistic di­versity, mul­ti­lin­gual­ism and the wel­fare state, organized together with the Finnish research network on linguistic diversity and the welfare state (Satakieli), on 30th of October.

Second one will be Im­mig­ra­tion, Ra­cism and Na­tion­al­ism, organized with ESSO-group and the Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism (CEREN), on 30th of November. 

Research seminar will be held biweekly on Thursdays at 12–14. It will start on 10th of September with Professor Juho Saari and discussant Professor Anu Kantola.

All fall term events and program will be held online for participants and Zoom links will be sent only to registered participants. Follow our website and social media and stay tuned for more information to come.

We are very excited about our program and cant wait to see you in our Autumn 2020 events. Welcome!