We develop and use computational models, machine learning and bioinformatics to understand the dynamics of human microbial communities – predominantly the gut microbiomes – and their implications to human development, health and wellbeing. In addition to metagenomic data, we are pioneering the use of metabolomic and metatranscriptomics for more detailed understanding of microbial functions and their interactions with each other and their environment. In addition to bacteria, we are developing new methodology for characterizing gut bacteriophage communities and their interactions with bacteria.
Tommi Vatanen
Associate professor
HiLIFE, Institute of Biotechnology
Biocenter 1
P.O 56 (Viikinkaari 9)
00014 University of Helsinki
Tel. +358 504793668
Email: tommi.vatanen@helsinki.fi
Tommi is an Associate Professor of Food Microbiology at HiLIFE and Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki and is affiliated also with BI.