Multi scale modeling and simulation of mitochondrial proteins

Vivek Sharma research group

We study the molecular mechanism of proteins involved in biological energy conversion and mitochondrial function/dysfunction (respiratory complexes I-V). We apply multi-scale computational approaches such as atomistic and coarse-grained MD simulations, DFT calculations and hybrid QM/MM simulations to understand enzyme mechanism in great depth.

For this purpose, we rely on high performance supercomputing infrastructure (CSC, Finland and PRACE) and on extensive collaborations with experimental groups in Finland and abroad. Our research bridges the two campuses of the University of Helsinki, Viikki and Kumpula, fostering close collaboration, networking and teaching. For more details on our research, see our group website below. 


Vivek Sharma, PhD, Docent

Visiting Scholar

Institute of Biotechnology, HiLIFE

P.O. Box 64 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2)

FI-00014, University of Helsinki

Tel: +358 50 5759 509


Vivek is a Principal Investigator/Visiting Scholar at BI and Academy Research Fellow as well as Sigrid Jusélius Senior Researcher at the Faculty of Science (Department of Physics). His research is supported by the Academy of Finland, University of Helsinki, Sigrid Jusélius Foundation, Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation and Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation.