Science sparring is a dialogue-based method that brings together scientific perspectives/knowledge and the expertise of practical professionals. It is particularly suitable for dealing with complex phenomena which require co-defining questions and answers or gaining extensive understanding of the issues by cooperation between researchers, city experts and decision-makers.
The goal of sparring can be, for example, finding solutions to a real-life challenge or a better cross-sectoral understanding of a certain phenomenon.
The overall purpose of the science sparring method is to promote a more effective application of research and scientific knowledge through interaction, trust and long-term cooperation.
Science sparring has been developed in cooperation with the Finnish Academy of Science.
Science sparring method can be widely adapted as a part of various preparatory processes for planning, decision-making and assessment. Although Science sparring was developed to support political decision-making, it can be used to support wide array of knowledge needs.
The structure of a Science sparring event is planned in tight cooperation between the practicioners, the researchers and the facilitators. Common goals, most important questions and the material for the sparring event will be set.
The Urban Academy and the Research Institute Urbaria organize and facilitate these events. Science sparring is carried out in small thematic groups.The sparring discussion and reflection takes place on the basis of the material sent in advance and the questions worked on together.
Research Institute Urbaria has applied Science sparring method particularly in the context of urban strategy and program preparation as part of the Urban Academy collaboration.
Science sparring has been provided on the following themes: