Datafication Courses at University of Helsinki

Our aim is to support researchers in social sciences and humanities in strengthening their methodological competence and in adopting novel methods. For this aim, we have compiled a list of methods courses organised by the degree programmes at the University of Helsinki.

Below you can find lists of: 

If you are a teacher on any of the courses listed and wish to have the course information removed – or if you teach a course that you would like to have added to the list, please contact the HSSH Methodological unit at

Click here to view a list of methods courses at the University of Helsinki.

Datafication courses starting in the 3rd teaching period of 2023-2024 (15.1.2024–3.3.2024)

PVK-V205 Digital Media and Society (spring)

PVK-V205 Avoin yo: Digitaalisen yhteiskunnan rajapinnoilla

SOSM-321 Avoin yo: Digitaalisen yhteiskunnan rajapinnoilla

GPC-M323 New Forms of Mediated Participation

Datafication courses starting in the 4th teaching period of 2023-2024 (11.3.2024–5.5.2024)

COS-D421 The Politics in Human-Computer Interaction

SOTE-317 Palveluintegraatio ja digitalisaatio

GPC-M322 Media, Activism and Social Change

SOSM-326 Datafication - critical perspectives