The Maikki Friberg Equality Award is granted annually for notable work promoting equality and diversity at the University of Helsinki. In 2021, the award sum of €6,000 was shared by the AGORA research centre and University Lecturer Mar Cabeza, PhD, from the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences.
University Lecturer Mar Cabeza has paid particular attention to equality and diversity in her work. The research groups in the Global Change and Conservation Lab she leads are engaging, gender-equal, and culturally diverse. Cabeza has also promoted several initiatives to make the University increasingly diverse and international in nature, enabling culturally different working and leadership styles in the Faculty.
Among other things, all of the calls for applications published by Cabeza’s laboratory include, at her initiative, a section that encourages people of all genders and cultural backgrounds to apply. Cabeza has also promoted the consideration of cultural minorities and people with special needs in, for example, the planning of teaching and the mentoring of students.
More on Mar Cabeza and the award on the research group web pages