For alumni

The Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences provides alumni with a wide range of opportunities for participation. The experiences and contributions of you and other alumni are important to us at the Faculty. Please join us!
Participate in Faculty activities as a member of the alumni community
  • Information on the University of Helsinki’s alumni activities is available on the Helsinki Alumni website and in the Helsinki Alumni Hub online portal.

  • Participate in the Faculty’s annual Oktoberfest: You will meet Faculty partners, researchers and other alumni to explore a current research theme.

  • Offer a traineeship to a student. By offering a traineeship to a student, you are making an important contribution to learning and studying. Further information on offering traineeships and on other employer services is available on the student collaboration section of the University website.

  • The Faculty hosts or is associated with several research units and projects that organise interesting events open to the public, including the Thriving Nature project, the ViPS centre and the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science HELSUS.

  • Participate in the alumni activities of student organisations. Many student organisations, such as the Faculty-specific Biosfääri student association and the sub-associations under its auspices, arrange activities in which alumni play a key role.

Would you like to propose a cooperation plan or ask about your Faculty’s alumni activities? Please contact the alumni team and share your ideas:

By registering as alumni, you can keep yourself up to date with the latest research at your Faculty. You can also join multiprofessional networks at various events, advance your skills by completing continuing education and share your experiences with new students. As a member of the University of Helsinki alumni community, you will benefit from the University’s alumni services, while choosing the mode of participation best suited to you.