Collaboration with educational institutions

The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry conducts diverse educational collaboration with institutions that provide upper secondary education.

The Faculty offers upper secondary level students, teachers and student counsellors several ways to familiarise themselves with its disciplines and teaching offerings. In addition, students of the Faculty can visit schools to introduce their studies, either as student ambassadors or at their own initiative. Teachers can utilise in their teaching material suited to general upper secondary school students. Upcoming teaching sessions in particular are intended to be used as part of teaching in accordance with the general upper secondary school curriculum. Sections of online courses and short courses can also be used as teaching material.

Read also examples of master’s thesis collaboration between students and businesses.


The MOOCs offered to general upper secondary school students by the Faculty are online courses open to all. They are courses also completed by the Faculty’s bachelor’s degree students, and their completion results in the awarding of credits that are recognised for degrees completed in University of Helsinki degree programmes. The scope of courses aimed at general upper secondary school students is usually one to two credits (27–54 hours of work). Students can complete MOOCs on their own (course-specific instructions on timetables and other details are available on the course pages). You can ask your school’s student counsellor about the possibility of incorporating university courses in studies completed at general upper secondary school.

Explore our Faculty’s online courses aimed at general upper secondary school students or all of the more than 1,100 online courses available at the University of Helsinki.


Information concerning our Faculty’s courses and studying at the Faculty can be obtained by inviting a student of a specific discipline to make a student ambassador visit to your general upper secondary school. Student ambassadors constitute a network representing the University of Helsinki, which tours schools to talk about studies.

For study counselors and teachers

You can send a contact request to student ambassadors for presentation here. In addition to student ambassadors and independent speakers, subject organizations may also be interested in reporting on their studies in advance or in the middle of the year.

For students

Students of the Faculty can also visit general upper secondary schools at their own initiative. Read the pieces by Liisa and Juho on serving as a student ambassador. Read more about the student's instructions for an independent upper secondary school visit.


A great many new collaboration options are upcoming in the academic year 2021–2022. Among other things, we are designing short courses whose content suits the general upper secondary school curriculum, corresponding, for example, to studies in general upper secondary school with the scope of one credit. As an example, a short course can consist of one day of laboratory instruction for general upper secondary school students. Short courses can include material distributed in advance and study materials as well as one or more assignments, whose implementation and related instruction/guidance is the Faculty’s responsibility. General upper secondary school teachers assess the students’ performance, for example, on the basis of a written report. Also being planned are teaching sessions suited to general upper secondary school lessons, which can be, for example, videos (15–30 min) and assignments relevant to the topic.

Collaboration with general upper secondary schools is also conducted in the form of campus visits and webinars open to general upper secondary school students. Read about the University of Helsinki’s collaboration with general upper secondary schools