Riikka Alvik: Things on Board: Interpreting the eighteenth-century Shipwreck Sites
Kaisa Autere: Sociolinguistic Analysis in Contextualising Ancient Material - A Study on Scribal Identity in Late Middle Kingdom Egypt
Olga Batanina: Bioanthropology of Yuzhny Oleni Ostrov: life and death in Mesolithic of North-Eastern Europe
Rebekka Eckelmann: Self versus Society: Individual dietary life histories within communal subsistence practices at Late Mesolithic Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov
Heli Etu-Sihvola: Interpreting stable isotope analysis results: Luistari in Eura as a case study
Jan Fast: Deutsches Lager Hanko – The Modern Conflict Archaeology and History of a German Second World War Transition Camp in Hanko S. Finland
Uine Kailamäki: First millennium earthen architecture in the Eastern Mediterranean: the relationship between communities and their built environment
Sanna Kivimäki: Miksi väentiheys kasvoi Suomessa 4500-3500 eaa. ja mitä kasvusta seurasi? Tapaustutkimuksena Pohjois-Karjala
Heidi Kovanen: Iron Age burials of Jordan and Israel-Palestine: their current research status and future from the point of view of gender archaeology
Leena Lehtinen: Taannehtiva tulkinta ja sen hyödyntäminen
Bonnie Nilhamn: White ware - domestication of pyrotechnology. Plaster containers and their socio-economic contribution to the Neolithic society
Wesa Perttola: Ports of Call on the Silk Road of the Sea: Geospatial Analysis of a Maritime Trade Network and Human Interaction in Early Modern Southeast Asia
Liisa Kunnas-Pusa: Historiography and Conceptual History of Stone Age Archaeology in Finland c. 1700–1900
Jenni Sahramaa: Visualization and interpretation of Iron Age clothing – from intuition to microanalysis
Jarkko Saipio: Lapp Cairns – Spatial and Cultural Context of Early Metal Period Stone Structures in the Finnish Lake District
Tiina Sonninen: Keskiaikaisten kirkkojen kuvien tutkimus
Janne Soisalo: Adapting to Climate Change 4200 Years ago: The Case of the Finnish Kiukais Culture
Elina Terävä: Military culture in castles on the Baltic Sea from 14th to 16th century – Case study: military life in the castle of Raseborg
Esko Tikkala: Neos Hekatompedos - a Hundred Footer? Architectural Metrology and Early Monumental Temples in Greece
Tommi Turmo: Urbanization and Rural Production of Ancient Thesprotia, Northwestern Greece
Kalle Virtanen: Koorkülan Valgjärven vedenalaisen muinaisjäännöksen konteksti ja tulkinta
2021 Heinonen, Tuuli: The Social and Material World of Medieval and Early Modern (c.1200-1650) Villages in Southern Finland
[Published in: ]
2021 Nurminen, Katariina: Fish Bones and Fishing in Finland during the Stone Age. [Published in: Iskos 23]
2020 Kivikero, Hanna: The Economy of Food. Tracing food production and consumption in Castles Kastelholm and Raseborg from the 14th to 16th centuries. [Published in: ]
2020 Marila, Marko: Introductory Notes to a Speculative Epistemology of Archaeology. [Published in: ]
2019 Ehrnsten, Frida: Pengar för gemene man? Det medeltida myntbruket i Finland.
[Published in: ]
2019 Hamari, Pirjo: Roman Period Roof Tiles in the Eastern Mediterranean, Towards Regional Typologies.
[Published in: ]
2019 Ahola, Marja: Death in the Stone Age Making Sense of Mesolithic-Neolithic mortuary remains from Finland (ca. 6800 to 2300 cal BC).
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2019 Kirkinen, Tuija: Between Skins – Animal skins in the Iron Age and historical burials in eastern Fennoscandia.
[Published in: ]
2019 Vanhanen, Santeri: Prehistoric Cultivation and Plant Gathering in Finland – an archaeobothanical Study.
[Published in: ]
2018 Seitsonen, Oula: Digging Hitler’s Artic War: Archaeologies and Heritage of the Second World War German Military Presence in Finnish Lapland.
[Published in: ]
2017 Enqvist, Johanna: Suojellut muistot. Arkeologisen perinnön hallinnan kieli, käsitteet ja ideologia.
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2017 Koivikko, Minna: Recycling Ships: Maritime Archaeology of UNESCO World Heritage Site Suomenlinna.
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2017 Koivisto, Satu: Archaeology of Finnish Wetlands with special reference to studies of Stone Age stationary wooden fishing structures.
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2017 Maaranen, Päivi: Neljä näkökulmaa maisemaan Havaintoja menneisyyden ihmisen ja ympäristön välisestä vuorovaikutuksesta eteläisimmän Suomen alueella.
[Published in: ]
2016 Salo, Kati: Health in southern Finland - Bioarchaeological analysis of 555 skeletons excavated from nine cemeteries (11th -19th century AD).
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2016 Vajanto, Krista: Dyes and Dyeing Methods in Late Iron Age Finland.
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2015 Tallavaara, Miikka: Humans under Climate Forcing: How climate change shaped hunter-gatherer population dynamics in Europe 30,000–4000 years ago.
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2014 Manninen, Mikael: Culture, Behaviour, and the 8200 calBP Cold Event – organisational change and culture-environment dynamics in Late Mesolithic northern Fennoscandia.
[Published in: ]
2014 Sundell, Tarja: The past hidden in our genes. Combining archaeological and genetic methodology: Prehistoric population bottlenecks in Finland.
[Published in: ]
2013 Hakulin, Lena: Metal in LBA Minoan and Mycenaean Societies on Crete: a Quantitative Approach.
[Published in: ]
2013 Saunaluoma, Sanna: Pre-Colonial Earthwork Sites in the Frontier Region between Brazil and Bolivia, southwestern Amazon.
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2012 Kouki, Paula: The Hinterland of a City – Rural settlement and land use in the Petra region from the Nabataean-Roman to the Early Islamic period.
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2010 Viitanen, Eeva-Maria: Locus Bonus. The Relationship of the Roman Villa to its Environment in the Vicinity of Rome.
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2010 Wessman, Anna: Death, Destruction and Commemoration: Tracing ritual activities in Finnish Late Iron Age cemeteries (AD 550-1150).
[Published in: Iskos 18]
2008 Lahelma, Antti: A Touch of Red: Archaeological and Ethnographic Approaches to Interpreting Finnish Rock Paintings.
[Published in: Iskos 15]
2008 Mannermaa, Kristiina: The Archaeology of Wings. Birds and people in the Baltic Sea region during the Stone Age.
[Published in: ]
2007 Mökkönen, Teemu: Studies on Stone Age Housepits in Fennoscandia (4000–2000 calBC) – Changes in ground plan, site location and degree of sedentism.
[Published in: ]
2005 Halinen, Petri: Prehistoric Hunters of Northernmost Lapland - settlement patterns and subsistence strategies.
[Published in: Iskos 14]
2003 Salminen, Timo: Suomen tieteelliset voittomaat.
[Published in: SMYA 110]
2002 Talvio, Tuukka: Coins and Coin Finds in Finland AD 800 – 1200.
[Published in: Iskos 12]
2001 Kriiska, Aivar: Stone Age settlement and economic processes in the Estonian coastal area and islands.
[Published in: ]
2001 Lavento, Mika: Textile ceramics in Finland and on the Karelian Isthmus. Nine variations and Fugue on a theme of C. F. Meinander.
[Published in: SMYA 109]
2000 Lönnqvist, Minna: Between nomadism and sedentism; Amorites from the perspective of contextual archaeology.
[Published in: ]
1997 Uino, Pirjo: Ancient Karelia - archaeological studies. Muinais-Karjala - arkeologisia tutkimuksia.
[Published in: SMYA 104]
1991 Taavitsainen, Jussi-Pekka: Ancient hillforts of Finland: problems of analysis, chronology and interpretation with special reference to the hillfort of Kuhmoinen.
[Published in: SMYA 94]