NOS-HS, the Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the humanities and social sciences, recently announced the results of their 2020 call for workshops series. Of some 69 applications, 34 were selected for funding. Among the successful applications was one including members of EPFRN, titled "From Treasure Hunters to Citizen Scientists: metal-detecting and archaeological heritage in the Nordic region."
The workshop series will consist of three workshops taking place at Århus University, University Museum of Bergen and the University of Helsinki respectively. The dates will be confirmed later but all will take place between 2021 and early 2023. It is hoped that the pandemic situation will allow for in-person meetings but the situation has to be monitored carefully. Whenever possible discussions will also be streamed or recorded.
The organising team are Suzie Thomas and Eljas Oksanen (University of Helsinki), Andres Dobat and Pieterjan Deckers (Århus University), and Gitte Hansen and Anna Wessman (University Museum of Bergen). More information about this workshop series will come in 2021.
See also the University of Helsinki's press release