Helsinki Archaeology Seminar

Helsinki Archaeology Seminar is the University of Helsinki’s venue for scientific lectures in archaeology and from allied disciplines, inviting speakers from Helsinki, elsewhere in Finland, and internationally. During term time lectures typically take place at 16.15 on the last Friday of the month, in Topelia at Unioninkatu 38. All interested in archaeology are warmly welcomed!

Winter/Spring 2024 Programme

Unless otherwise specified, lectures will take place at 16.15 in Arla Pro Lecture Room, F-block ground floor, Topelia, Unioninkatu 38, and will be hybrid. You can join us on via Zoom at Please note the zoom address has changed from the previous term.


02.02.2024 Lukas Werther (Deutsche Archäologische Institut)

Navigable canals in Europe as archaeological archives and early anthropospheres (150 BC - 1300 AD)

This lecture will be zoom only.


23.02.2024 Paula Gheorghiade (University of Helsinki, Centre of Excellence for Ancient Near Eastern Empires)

Connecting the Dots: Networking Interaction and Maritime Connectivity in Late Bronze Age Crete


22.03.2024 Timo Salminen (University of Helsinki) 

A.M. Tallgren and Aarne Äyräpää as academic teachers of archaeology at the University of Helsinki


26.04.2024 Veronica Walker-Vadillo (University of Helsinki)

Dissecting and harnessing complexity: applying Ostrom’s socio-ecological systems approach in archaeology


7.5.2024  Stanley Klassen (University of Toronto)

Moabite Painted Ware' from Iron Age Tall Madaba, Jordan and the Development of Moabite Identity

An additional HAS event Jointly organised with ANEE (Ancient Near Eastern Empires), exceptionally on Tuesday 7.5. at 12.15-13.45


14.5.2024 Rafal Bienkowski 

Settlement Patterns in Eastern Crete during the Venetian Period 

An additional HAS event Jointly organised with ANEE (Ancient Near Eastern Empires), exceptionally on Tuesday 14.5. at 16.15-18.00


24.05.2024 Daniel Löwerberg (Univerity of Uppsala)

The deep end of the FAIR principles - making legacy GIS data from excavations interoperable and reusable within the Swedigach infrastructure

This lecture will be zoom only.







Friday 22.09 at 16.15

Vesa-Pekka Herva (University of Oulu): Weirding archaeology


Friday 27.10 at 16.15

Wesa Perttola (University of Helsinki): The Ship Is Laden With Rice and Salt: A Comparison of Two Sailing Models on an Early 17th Century Trade Route Between Java and Sumatra


Friday 01.12 at 16.15

Martin Furholt (Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel) & Ivan Cheben (Slovak Academy of Sciences): Headless bodies in the ditch: Magic, ritual and social crisis in the late LBK of Slovakia, 5050 BCE

Update: due to a last minute change, this lecture will be given on Zoom only.


Friday 27.01 at 16.15

Timo Salminen (University of Helsinki): International contacts of Finnish archaeologists before the Second World War


Friday 24.02 at 16.15

Jhonny Therus (Kalmar läns museum / Linnéuniversitetet): The supernatural landscape of Viking Age Sweden


Friday 31.03 at 16.15

Michael Lewis (The British Museum, Visiting Professor at the University of Helsinki): Recording Archaeological Finds Made by the Public in England and Wales


Friday 28.04 at 16.15



Friday 26.05 at 16.15

Emma Brownlee (University of Cambridge): Untangling ‘local’ and ‘non-local’ display in death: migration and grave good use in early medieval England

Note: this lecture will be held remotely by Zoom only


Archaeology Afternoon on Friday 09.12 at 13.00-15.00

Location: Think Corner, University of Helsinki (Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki)


Programme 13.00-15.00


Antti Lahelma: Imperiumien takapihalla: inventointia ja kaivauksia Pohjois-Jordaniassa vuonna 2022

Satu Koivisto & Wesa Perttola: Muistatko kun kanavia oli vain yksi? Monikanavaisen 3D-maatutkalaitteiston pilotointi ja havaintojen koekuopitus Karjaan Lepinjärvellä

Kristin Ilves: Tre åländska järnåldershus under luppen – det dagliga livet, handeln och kulten i Bartsgårda

Maria Ronkainen & Meri Leppäsalko: Kummat kummut: hauta- vai raivausröykkiöitä tutkimassa Bartsgårdassa, Ahvenanmaalla



Friday 23.09 at 16.15, room D112 Topelia             

Georg Haggrén (University of Turku): Historical archaeology in Sweden and Finland – experiences from the Middle Ages and the early modern era.


Friday 28.10 at 16.15, room D112 Topelia

Axel Palmer (Leiden University): The European precursors of the Indo-Iranians: Linguistic evidence for a connection between the Sintashta and Fatyanovo-Balanovo cultures in the 3rd millennium BCE


Friday 25.11 at 16.15, room D112 Topelia

Minerva Piha (Nord University): Language politics in Saami archaeological research: A case study from three archaeological journals