Työryhmäsessiot 1 / Sessions 1 |
25.10. klo 13 |
1. Cross-Border Dialogues & Finland: Human Mobilities, Social Interactions & Transnationalism |
Olle Järv (Digital Geography Lab, University of Helsinki); Kerli Müürisepp (Digital Geography Lab, University of Helsinki); Tuuli Toivonen (Digital Geography Lab, University of Helsinki) |
Aud XI |
25.10. klo 13 |
7. Changing concepts and emerging spaces of spatial planning: how to define planning in a complex, multi-actor world? |
Salla Jokela (University of Helsinki) & Pia Bäcklund (University of Helsinki) Research group Spatial policy, politics and planning |
Aud XVI |
25.10. klo 13 |
8. Social Media Geographies |
Vuokko Heikinheimo, Christoph Fink & Tuuli Toivonen, Digital Geography Lab, University of Helsinki. |
Aud IV |
25.10. klo 13 |
12. Aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity in a changing environment |
Janne Soininen (Helsingin yliopisto) |
Aud XIV |
25.10. klo 13 |
14. Kuhinaa rikkaruohonjuuritasolla: radikaalimaantieteet Suomessa (osa 1) |
Tuomo Alhojärvi (Oulun yliopisto) ja Heikki Sirviö (Oulun yliopisto) |
Aud II |
25.10. klo 13 |
15. Tulevaisuuden maantieteet! Pecha Kucha -työpaja opiskelijoille |
Venla Bernelius (Helsingin yliopisto), Milla Kallio (Helsingin yliopisto) ja Aleksi Rautio (Helsingin yliopisto) |
Aud XIII |
Työryhmäsessiot 2 / Sessions 2 |
25.10. klo 15 |
3. Bioeconomy in Finland and beyond: Unfolding development trajectories between a “new Nokia” and “bio-massacre” |
Moritz Albrecht (University of Eastern Finland) |
Aud XVI |
25.10. klo 15 |
4. Perspectives on territory: the state, the people, and democracy |
Chris Lizotte (University of Helsinki) and Juho Luukkonen (University of Helsinki) |
Aud XIV |
25.10. klo 15 |
5. Urban hitchhiking workshop: Playful journeys with fellow city dwellers / Työpaja: Kaupunkiliftaus Helsingissä |
Noora Pyyry (University of Helsinki), Lauri Jäntti (Independent artist-activist), Tuomo Alhojärvi (University of Oulu) |
Urbarium (Porthania) |
25.10. klo 15 |
9. Analysing spatial patterns of accessibility and mobility |
Henrikki Tenkanen, Elias Willberg and Tuuli Toivonen, and Digital Geography Lab, University of Helsinki. |
Aud IV |
25.10. klo 15 |
14. Kuhinaa rikkaruohonjuuritasolla: radikaalimaantieteet Suomessa (osa 2) |
Tuomo Alhojärvi (Oulun yliopisto) ja Heikki Sirviö (Oulun yliopisto) |
Aud II |
25.10. klo 14:45 |
16. Maaseutu ja kaupunki: sekoituksia, riippuvuuksia ja mielikuvia. |
Jarmo Kortelainen (Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Historia- ja maantieteiden laitos) |
Aud XIII |
25.10. klo 15 |
17. Oppimateriaalit ja maantieteen opetuksen tulevaisuus |
Markus Jylhä (Helsingin yliopisto) |
Aud XI |
Työryhmäsessiot 3 / Sessions 3 |
26.10. klo 9 |
2. Spatial justices and rights: past, present and future spaces |
Jukka Keski-Filppula (University of Oulu), Juho Luukkonen (University of Helsinki) and Eija Meriläinen (Hanken School of Economics) |
Aud II |
26.10. klo 9 |
6. The geographies of well-being, quality of life and development |
Mikko Weckroth (University of Helsinki) and Tomas Hanell (Aalto University) |
Aud IV |
26.10. klo 9 |
10. Conservation geography |
Johanna Eklund (University of Helsinki) |
Aud XV |
26.10. klo 9 |
11. Future geographies of innovation and knowledge creation processes |
Johanna Hautala (University of Turku) and Hanna Heino (University of Turku) |
Aud XIII |
26.10. klo 9 |
13. Maisema, kuva ja kokemus |
Hannu Linkola (Turun yliopisto, maisemantutkimus) |
Aud XVI |
26.10. klo 9 |
18. Interpretations of relationships between people, environment and areas |
Meri Norola (University of Helsinki), Pia Bäcklund (University of Helsinki) and Arttu Paarlahti (University of Helsinki) |
Aud XI |
Aud XI October 25th 1pm
Session chairs: Olle Järv; Kerli Müürisepp; Tuuli Toivonen
In the EU “borderless world”, cross-border interactions and integration are regarded as key drivers towards socially and economically more cohesive territorial development and well-functioning societies. Increasing human mobilities and socio-spatial interactions transcending state borders have a role in forming many societal phenomena such as new functional cross-border regions, transnational people and transnationalism, at large. These developments have further implications on societies in relation to integration processes, identity formation, social (in)equalities, governmentality, planning and security, among many others.
Cross-border interactions between Finland and its neighbouring countries follow the overall trend. For instance, while tens of thousands of people have their daily lives already connected to both Finland and Estonia, stakeholders advance the Helsinki-Tallinn twin-city concept by planning and executing new strategic infrastructure projects to better connect the countries. As cross-border mobility flows grow, a more comprehensive understanding about complex socio-spatial practices beyond state borders and its consecutive impacts on societies is needed. In addition to conventional approaches, the application of novel (big) data sources allows to develop new theoretical concepts and methodologies to provide valuable insights for given research.
The session aims to present and discuss theoretical, methodological and empirical research on cross-border mobilities and interactions, transnationalism, and implications on societies it involves. A concentrated discussion is facilitated at the end of the session.
The topics we welcome include, but are not limited to:
Aud XVI October 25th 1pm
Session chairs: Salla Jokela (University of Helsinki) and Pia Bäcklund (University of Helsinki)
Research group Spatial policy, politics and planning
The aim of this session is to discuss how we should define planning in a complex, multi-actor world. Is planning mainly land-use planning that influences the distribution of activities in space? Or is planning nowadays something general to cover all acts that are shaping geographical space?
Our interest in these questions stems from the understanding that cities and regions are experimenting and adopting new policies in order to stimulate development and adapt to changes in their operational environment. Along with these processes, the everyday meaning of planning as land-use planning and regulation is being complemented by new definitions of planning, which include a range of strategic, processual, and context-specific ways of managing spatial change. Contractual city-regional land use planning and pervasive, action-oriented city branding are examples of the emergence of new spaces of planning and governance outside or in-between the statutory spaces of planning. These new spaces play an important role in identifying and addressing strategic issues and steering the development of cities and city regions to a desirable direction. In practice this also means that new actors have emerged, for example consultants and active citizens who are ready to challenge institutional ways of looking at the future of the cities.
We invite researchers, including doctoral candidates, to discuss and present papers on the concept and role of planning in contemporary society. Possible themes include changing and emerging concepts and forums of planning, new forms of agency in planning, and specific questions related to issues such as participation and democracy in the emerging spaces of planning and governance.
Aud IV October 25th 1pm
Session chairs: Vuokko Heikinheimo, Christoph Fink & Tuuli Toivonen (Digital Geography Lab, University of Helsinki)
Social media data and its analysis have found their way into mainstream geographic research. The availability of such data has sparked research on people’s discourses (Garimella et al. 2018), social networks (Huberman et al. 2008), urban and global mobility (Hawelka et al. 2014; Shelton et al. 2015), on their happiness (Mitchell et al. 2013), and outdoor activities (Hausmann et al. 2017a&b; Heikinheimo 2018). Data from social media is increasingly used to inform urban and regional planning (Campagna 2016; Nummi 2018; Rykov et al. 2016), biodiversity conservation (Di Minin et al. 2015, forthcoming), and linguistics (Hiippala et al. forthcoming), amongst many other fields.
Social media data is data generated from people’s interactions on social media platforms. It consists of text, images, or similar, and a rich set of metadata covering, for instance but not limited to, time and date, location, user identity and interaction. Research has evolved from quantitative analysis of aggregated metadata, such as location information, to a more holistic research that seamlessly contains location, content analyses and information about the users and their networks. Current geographical research using social media data employs a diverse mix of both qualitative and quantitative methods, ranging from discourse analysis to machine learning.
This session intends to bring together people using social media data analytics in their geographical research and to share their knowledge, experiences, enthusiasm and criticism with one another.
Campagna, M. (2016) Social Media Geographic Information: Why social is special when it goes spatial? In Capineri, C., Haklay, M., Huang, H., Antoniou, V., Kettunen, J., Ostermann, F., and Purves, R. (Eds.), European Handbook of Crowdsourced Geographic Information. Ubiquity Press.
Di Minin, E., Tenkanen, H., and Toivonen, T. (2015) Prospects and challenges for social media data in conservation science. Frontiers in Environmental Science 3.
Di Minin, E., Fink, C., Hiippala, T., and Tenkanen, H. (forthcoming) A framework for investigating illegal wildlife trade on social media using machine learning. Conservation Biology 17(674).
Garimella, K., De Francisci Morales, G., Gionis, A., and Mathioudakis, M. (2018) Political Discourse on Social Media: Echo Chambers, Gatekeepers, and the Price of Bipartisanship. ACM Press doi:10.1145/3178876.3186139.
Hausmann, A, Toivonen, TK, Slotow, R, Tenkanen, HTO, Moilanen, AJ, Heikinheimo, VV & Di Minin, E (2017), 'Social Media Data Can Be Used to Understand Tourists’ Preferences for Nature-Based Experiences in Protected Areas' Conservation Letters, Vuosikerta. 11, Nro 1. DOI: 10.1111/conl.12343
Hausmann, A, Toivonen, T, Heikinheimo, V, Tenkanen, H, Slotow, R & Di Minin, E (2017), 'Social media reveal that charismatic species are not the main attractor of ecotourists to sub-Saharan protected areas' Scientific Reports, Vuosikerta. 7, 763. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-00858-6
Hawelka, B., Sitko, I., Beinat, E., Sobolevsky, S., Kazakopoulos, P., and Ratti, C. (2014) Geo-located Twitter as proxy for global mobility patterns. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 41(3): 260–271.
Heikinheimo, V. (2018) Understanding human activities in green areas with social media data. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Presented at the AGILE PhD School Leeds, United Kingdom.
Hiippala, T., Hausmann, A., Tenkanen, H., and Toivonen, T. (in press) Exploring the linguistic landscape of geotagged social media content in urban environments. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities : 29.
Huberman, B. A., Romero, D. M., and Wu, F. (2009) Social networks that matter: Twitter under the microscope. First Monday 14(1).
Mitchell, L., Frank, M. R., Harris, K. D., Dodds, P. S., and Danforth, C. M. (2013) The Geography of Happiness: Connecting Twitter Sentiment and Expression, Demographics, and Objective Characteristics of Place. PLoS ONE 8(5).
Nummi, P. (2018) Crowdsourcing Local Knowledge with PPGIS and Social Media for Urban Planning to Reveal Intangible Cultural Heritage. Urban Planning, 3, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17645/up.v3i1.1266
Rykov, Y., Stanislavovich Nagornyy, O., Koltsova, O., Manovich, L., Cerrone, D. & Crockett, D. (2016) Semantic and geospatial mapping of instagram images in Saint-Petersburg. Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language AINL FRUCT 2016 Conference.
Shelton, T. , Poorthuis, A. & Zook M. (2015). Social Media and the City: Rethinking Urban Socio-Spatial Inequality Using User-Generated Geographic Information. Landscape and Urban Planning. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2571757 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2571757
Tenkanen, H., Di Minin, E., Heikinheimo, V., Hausmann, A., Herbst, M., Kajala, L., and Toivonen, T. (2017) Instagram, Flickr, or Twitter: Assessing the usability of social media data for visitor monitoring in protected areas. Scientific Reports 7(1).
Aud XIV October 25th 1pm
Session chair: Janne Soininen (University of Helsinki)
Session aims to present the theories, new findings and approaches related to spatial biodiversity research in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Special aim is to link observational approaches to latest theory in biodiversity research.
Aud XIII Torstai 25.10. klo 13
Puheenjohtaja: Venla Bernelius (Helsingin yliopisto)
Se, mihin opiskelijat tarttuvat nyt, suuntaa maantiedettä kohti tulevia vuosikymmeniä. Tänä vuonna Maantieteen päivillä järjestetään myös opiskelijoiden oma työryhmäsessio, johon voit tulla esittelemään kandi- tai gradututkielmaasi valintasi mukaan Pecha Kucha tai hissipuheformaatilla! (Ks. https://globaldigitalcitizen.org/how-to-make-great-presentations-with-pecha-kucha) Ideana on esitellä lyhyesti ja ytimekkäästi oman tutkielman aihe kuvien tai kaavioiden siivittämänä ja tarjota katsaus siihen, millaiset aiheet opiskelijoita eri yliopistoissa innostavat. Rohkaisemme käyttämään tilaisuuden hyväksi ja kokeilemaan japanilaista Pecha Kucha -esitystekniikkaa, jossa esitys rakentuu 20 dian powerpointin ympärille niin, että diat asetetaan vaihtumaan automaattisesti 20 sekunnin välein. Halutessasi voit kuitenkin pitää myös perinteisemmän lyhyen esittelyn tutkielmastasi, jolloin sinulla on esityksellesi aikaa 7 minuuttia. Esityksen jälkeen varataan aikaa muutamille kysymyksille. Sessio tarjoaa loistavan tilaisuuden saada arvokasta esiintymiskokemusta rennossa ja vastaanottavaisessa ilmapiirissä!
Sessiossa pääsevät ääneen perustutkinto-opiskelijat, kaikki ovat tervetulleita seuraamaan.
Aud II Torstai 25.10. osa 1 klo 13 & osa 2 klo 15
Puheenjohtajat: Tuomo Alhojärvi (Oulun yliopisto) ja Heikki Sirviö (Oulun yliopisto)
Erilaiset radikaaleiksi kutsutut ajatteluperinteet ja käytännöt ovat vaikuttaneet voimakkaasti kansainväliseen ihmismaantieteelliseen keskusteluun. Viime vuosikymmenien tutkimusta ja toimintaa ovat viitoittaneet esimerkiksi sosialistiset, marxilaiset, feministiset, anarkistiset, queerit, antirasistiset ja post- ja dekoloniaaliset tutkimustraditiot. Tuloksena on ollut tulikivenkatkuista kritiikkiä ja debattia mutta myös eläviä avauksia ja tekoja tutkimuksen yhteiskunnallisen tehtävän puolesta. Elinkelvottomuutta ja epävarmuutta tuottavan fossiilikapitalismin keskellä tällaiselle tutkimukselle on tarvetta enemmän kuin koskaan.
Suomen maantieteisiin radikaalius on välittynyt kenties hyvinvointivaltion vaimentamana. Yhteiskunnallista osallistumista on kuitenkin meilläkin harjoitettu vuosikymmenien aikana, ja epäkohtia erittelevää kriittistä tutkimusta tehdään monella saralla. Mutta miten on radikaalin – siis osallistuvan, kamppailevan, nyrjäyttävän ja vinosti kasvavan – tutkimuksen laita?
Tähän työpajaan kutsumme mukaan esityksiä, jotka käsittelevät suomalaisen maantieteen radikaaliutta eilen, tänään ja huomenna. Jos ja kun tulevaisuus näyttää epävarmalta, millaista radikaaliutta tarvitaan? Millaisista maantieteistä voidaan etsiä aineksia oikeudenmukaisempaan, elämiskelpoiseen ja haluttavaan tulevaisuuteen? Entä millaisia kotoperäisiä ajatus- ja elämistradioita on tarpeen kaivaa naftaliinista ja keksiä uudelleen? Miten luoda kontekstiherkkiä kansainvälisiä radikaalimaantieteiden yhteyksiä vastapainoksi tasapäistävälle ja tutkimusagendoja typistävälle ”kansainväliselle” valtavirtamaantieteelle? Ja jos kun tulevaisuus itsessään on epävarma ja sijoiltaan tempaava, niin millaiset maantieteet tukisivat sinnikästä vastarintaa ja paikoillaan pysymistä?
Toivotamme työpajaan tervetulleiksi kaikenkarvaiset menetelmälliset, teoreettiset, taiteelliset ja politisoivat interventiot osallistuvampien maantieteiden puolesta. Erityisesti haluamme rohkaista myös opiskelijoita mukaan linjaamaan ja haastamaan tulevia maantieteitä.
Aud II Torstai 25.10. osa 1 klo 13 & osa 2 klo 15
Puheenjohtajat: Tuomo Alhojärvi (Oulun yliopisto) ja Heikki Sirviö (Oulun yliopisto)
(Sessio jatkuu tauon jälkeen)
Aud XVI October 25th 3pm
Session chair: Moritz Albrecht /University of Eastern Finland
Needs for a sustainable transition of production and consumption systems have been recognized and moved to the center stage in political and academic debates. In Finland, the (circular) bioeconomy takes a prominent role within the political agenda to promote a sustainable biosociety, and the country currently experiences a “green-rush” of large scale (bio-)industrial developments. Policy actors are actively promoting a bio-based rejuvenation of the Finnish economy, and particularly emphasizing possibilities for rural regions as a ‘resource’ for most sustainability-oriented policies within food, transport or energy sectors. Nevertheless, here is a gap between the technical potentials, political or industrial rhetoric and the actual socio-spatial processes of materialization of such political strategies.
The bioeconomy in Finland and its calculative potentials are hailed as the ‘new Nokia’, and at the same time, they are criticized as a renewed road to forest destruction. Much of the academic focus remains caught up with techno-economic potential analyses and the portrayal of policy visions to predict biofutures. These approaches tend to marginalize the array of dilemmas, uncertainties and vested interests rooted in the translocal spaces of policies’ design and implementation. Hence, in order to understand the materialization, effects and problematisations of potential biofutures there is an urge for a geographical perspectives on the socio-spatial processes that shape pathways, rationalities and places of implementation themselves. This allows an unfolding and evaluation of heterogeneous bioeconomy trajectories and their power-laden relations that shape potential biofutures in Finland and beyond.
The session aims to gather papers that address and critically scrutinize the socio-spatial processes related to bioeconomy-framed developments in Finland or elsewhere. Presentations can focus but are not restricted to, for example, industrial developments and their role for regional development, rhetoric and practices related to the sustainability of resource use, conflicting interests of different sectors of bioeconomy, and bioeconomy governance in a wider sense that contributes to an understanding of its spaces. Despite strong wood focus of Finnish bioeconomy/industry, the session hopes to attract also contributions of non-wood bioeconomy fields such as tourism, food or health related aspects.
Aud XIV October 25th 3pm
Session chairs: Chris Lizotte (University of Helsinki), Juho Luukkonen (University of Helsinki)
“Territory” is a core geographic concept, but it has only relatively recently begun to attract sustained interest from geographers. Often used in popular and academic discourse alike as a synonym for “place” or “region” (Paasi 2012), we are now arriving at a more sophisticated understanding of territory as a specific, contingent kind of space that has been made knowable and governable by a central authority (Elden 2013), and of territoriality as the gamut of human activities that classify space, communicate these classifications through boundary, and enforce these divisions (Sack 1986).
Beyond territory and territoriality as spatial concepts, geographers have also investigated how they are instantiated by different actors, particularly the state. Indeed, the spatial transformation of the state under conditions of advanced capitalism has engendered significant changes in the organization and management of territory (Moisio and Paasi 2013). Additionally, state spatial transformation has led to a situation in which territorial sovereignty is often conflated with political sovereignty, when in fact transnational and extraterritorial forms of governance have led to complex topologies of territory and power (Sassen 2013). This conflation has provided openings for groups to highlight the spatial mismatch of power and territory, or exploit it for political gain; today we are seeing a particular proliferation of the second of these as primarily right-wing populist movements contest the effects of globalization with calls for simplistic, territorialist spatial governance.
In this session, then, we invite papers that explore territory both conceptually and empirically, as it is manifested by a variety of political actors. Topics could include, but are not limited to:
Aud IV October 25th 3pm
Session chairs: Henrikki Tenkanen, Elias Willberg and Tuuli Toivonen (Digital Geography Lab, University of Helsinki)
Accessibility - classically defined as “the potential of opportunities for interaction”, is a conceptual and analytical tool that has been used to understand the intertwine of land use and transport. Increasingly it is used to understand even further the functionality, sustainability and equity of urban regions, or the locations of likely centers of interaction. Discourse on spatial accessibility has been inspiring scholars for decades, but the ways to measure it in a meaningful way remain a grand challenge for research. In practice, accessibility is mostly analyzed from a placed-based perspective by focusing on urban form/structure (transport network, land use), a single mode of transport, a single time period and mostly for “average individuals” or single population groups.
Recently, however, the field has been advancing and also Finnish geographers have contributed to this advancement by carrying out novel multimodal and multitemporal analyses, developing methods for modelling accessibility and participating in the forming of theories on accessibility and mobility.
This session welcomes presentations from researchers working on spatial modelling of accessibility and mobility. The presentations may be methodological, conceptual or case studies on accessibility analyses. Also examples on using accessibility as a tool in practical decision-making are welcomed!
Aud XIII Torstai 25.10. klo 14:45
Puheenjohtaja: Jarmo Kortelainen (Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Historia- ja maantieteiden laitos)
Maaseutu ja kaupunki ovat maantieteellistä mielikuvitustamme sääteleviä peruskategorioita, jotka synnyttävät enemmän tai vähemmän selkeitä mielikuvia maisemasta, elämäntavasta ja elinkeinoista. Sama jakolinja jäsentää myös yhteiskunnan alueellista organisoitumista samoin kuin aluepoliittista ajattelua ja keinovalikoimaa. Tällä jaolla on ollut kiistaton historiallinen tilauksensa ja paikkansa suomalaisen yhteiskunnan kehityksessä toisaalta alueellisiin resursseihin nojautuvana mutta samalla kaupungistuvana kokonaisuutena. On kuitenkin syytä pohtia sitä, missä määrin kahtiajako vastaa nyky-yhteiskunnan alueellista hahmoa ja kykenee suuntaamaan parhaalla tavalla siihen vaikuttavia poliittisia pyrkimyksiä. Esitelmissä tarkennetaan kuvaa maaseudun ja kaupungin keskinäisistä riippuvuuksista eri näkökulmista. Niistä kaksi (Luoto ja Kortelainen) pohtivat maaseutu-kaupunki –paradoksin mielekkyyttä aluehallinnollisten muutosten ja taajamoitumisen näkökulmista. Kaksi esitystä (Lundström ja Honkaniemi) tarkastelevat puolestaan maaseutu-kaupunki –vuorovaikutusta välillisemmin ja erittelevät maaseutupaikkojen korostumista yritysten lähinnä kaupunkilaisille suuntaamassa markkinoinnissa. Viimeiset kaksi esitelmää (Kettunen ja Pyy) tarkastelevat maaseutu-kaupunki –suhdetta maaseudun eri ikäryhmien kautta; yhtäältä nuorten koulutuspolkujen ja toisaalta ikääntyvän väestöryhmän tarpeiden näkökulmasta. Esitelmien teemat virittävät keskustelua maaseutu-kaupunki -asetelman käsitteellisistä tarkennuksista, kyseenalaistavat keskittymiskehityksen vääjäämättömyyttä ja korostavat eri tyyppisten yhdyskuntien keskinäisiä riippuvuuksia.
Aud XI Torstai 25.10. klo 15
Puheenjohtaja: Markus Jylhä (Helsingin yliopisto)
Maantieteen oppimateriaaleihin ja maantieteen opetukseen liittyvässä sessiossa kuulemme viimeisintä oppimateriaaleihin liittyvää tutkimustietoa sekä hanke-esittelyn. Eeva Rinne Tampereen yliopistosta kertoo Suomen ja suomalaisuuden esiintymisestä oppikirjoissa, Markus Hilander Helsingin yliopistosta puhuu geomedia-käsitteen muodostumisesta ja vakiintumisesta oppimateriaaleissa ja Virpi Hirvensalo Turun kaupungin sivistystoimialasta esittelee paikkatietoa opetukseen geomentoreiden avulla tuovaa Kartta.nyt -hanketta.
October 25th 3pm
Urbaria (Porthania, Yliopistonkatu 3, 1.krs)
Session chairs: Noora Pyyry (University of Helsinki), Lauri Jäntti (Independent artist-activist), Tuomo Alhojärvi (University of Oulu)
Urban hitchhiking workshop: Playful journeys with fellow city dwellers
In this session, we approach urban public space in practice by experimenting with ‘urban hitchhiking’. This spatial-embodied practice is based on re-inventing the tradition of hitchhiking: instead of hitching a ride with a vehicle, we ask to share the journeys of fellow pedestrians. Urban hitchhikers are often playfully engaged with the urban spaces they move along with, opening up to being differently with others: people, non-human beings, things, and spaces. This opening to heterogeneity and surprise entails potential to cultivate new connections and alternative ways of being in the city.
The session starts with a brief workshop on the practice of urban hitchhiking. Artist-activist Lauri Jäntti teaches the participants about this creative practice with some practical exercises. Once everyone is familiar and confident with the practice, we will launch to the city to try out urban hitchhiking in the nearby areas. After the hitchhiking adventures, the participants will reflect on their experiences collaboratively.
Työpaja: Kaupunkiliftaus Helsingissä
Tässä työpajassa lähestytään kaupunkitilaa leikkisästi kaupunkiliftauksen avulla. Kaupunkiliftauksen tavoitteena on luoda kohtaamisia kaupunkilaisten välille soveltamalla liftaamisen ideaa. Erona perinteiseen liftaukseen on se, että nyt ei pyritä ajoneuvon kyytiin vaan pyydetään päästä hetkeksi kanssakävelijän seuraan. Tämä tapahtuu asettumalla kulkureitin varrelle peukalo pystyssä kyltin kanssa (kts. kuva). Tarkoituksena on jakaa satunnaisen ohikulkijan kanssa hetki elämää ja avata tätä kautta kaupunkitilaa kohtaamisille ja toisin olemiselle.
Työpaja alkaa kaupunkiaktivisti Lauri Jäntin opastuksella kaupunkiliftauksesta. Työpajassa tehdään yksinkertaisia käytännön harjoituksia kaupunkiliftaukseen liittyen. Tämän jälkeen suuntaamme kaupungille kokeilemaan kaupunkiliftausta. Seikkailun jälkeen osallistujat jakavat kokemuksiaan joko heti (aikataulun salliessa) tai myöhemmin illalla lasillisen äärellä. (työpajassa ei pidetä esityksiä, varauduthan ulkoiluun)
Aud II October 26th 9am
Session chairs: Jukka Keski-Filppula (University of Oulu), Juho Luukkonen (University of Helsinki) and Eija Meriläinen (Hanken School of Economics)
The aim of this session is to facilitate an interdisciplinary discussion and exchange ideas of spatial justices and rights. Since the 1970s thinkers such as Lefebvre, Massey, Soja and Harvey have highlighted the spatial dimension of society in understanding inequalities resulting from social processes. Space is not just an empty container of social processes, but rather constitutive of the society - and its (in)justices. Despite the hubris, ‘globalization’ of the world economy has not made space redundant to understanding (in)justice, but rather has accentuated the need to focus on the politics of scale that take place in the processes of de-territorialization/re-territorialisation (Swyngedouw, 2004). Over the past decades the inequalities have intesified, despite critical scholarship and social justice mobilizing (Oswin, 2018). Spatial justices and rights are certainly of high interest to many disciplines, whether it be in the form of spatial growth or poverty, spatial equality or inequality, or issues of rights, morality, agency or knowledge production regarding spaces. Different kind of research have produced valuable insights on these issues over the past years and yet it seems as if they are rather separated from each other. This session is dedicated to explore how different concepts, theories, insights and methods can learn, enrich or even criticize each other to help us to better understanding of spatial justices and rights in past and present research, but also to construct better practices to overcome them in the future. This workshop is open to several different conceptual and methodological approaches and theoretical backgrounds within geography and other disciplines.
Swyngedouw, E. (2004). Globalisation or “glocalisation”? Networks, territories and rescaling. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 17(1), 25–48. https://doi.org/10.1080/0955757042000203632
Oswin, N. (2018). Society and Space, here and now. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 36(4), 613–616. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263775818790806
Questions and topics that might be explored are, among others,
Aud IV October 26th 9am
Session chairs: Mikko Weckroth (University of Helsinki) and Tomas Hanell (Aalto University)
There is an emerging scientific interest in the geography of well-being (WB), especially the subjective evaluations of well-being, or quality of life (QoL). One the one hand this interest stems from an apparent knowledge gap in terms of practical policy formulation, evaluation and justification. On the other hand, disciplines examining different dimensions of well-being such as psychology and economics have acknowledged that adding a spatial dimension to the subject can substantially enrich the existing pool of knowledge.
Thematically, this Working Group covers a wide range of issues. Suitable themes may include different forms of conceptualisations of WB or QoL and how these are practically operationalised at differing spatial scales and contexts, how objective and subjective indicators of well-being intertwine in a spatial setting, or what kinds of implications issues related to WB or QoL may have in terms of strategic planning or regional development policy.
As we are dealing with a truly interdisciplinary scientific field, we foresee contributions not restricted to human geography alone, but also look forward to input from fields like sociology, regional economics, political science, planning, or health sciences, for example. We welcome both empirical as well as theoretical analyses. Through such an interdisciplinary and multi-methodological dialogue, we hope to enhance our understanding of how local, regional and urban development or policy can be depicted or analysed through different conceptualisations of well-being or quality of life.
Aud XIII October 26th 9am
Session chairs: Johanna Hautala (University of Turku), Hanna Heino (University of Turku)
We are entering the age of the artificial intelligence that is profoundly changing the geographies of knowledge creation and innovation processes. The meaning of algorithms, digital space and big data in decision making and knowledge creation are growing in companies, public governance, and universities. Humans collaborate increasingly with independently learning artificial intelligence and robots to create knowledge. This development – that has also been named as Industry 4.0 and the second machine age – also creates possibilities and need for future-oriented knowledge. Such knowledge about futures take into account current and past developments and describes the future as it might be. Futures knowledge can support decision makers to take the right actions to shape the desirable and sustainable future. Such future geographies of knowledge creation processes are so far only little known. Geographical research can offer perspectives to understand how digital spaces intertwine with socio-cultural and material spaces in knowledge creation processes, and how data, information, and knowledge move. Profound global and local effects are expected on the second machine age geographies, for instance on gathering (clustering), and dispersing.
We call presentations widely related to knowledge, innovations, futures knowledge, Industry 4.0, smart cities, artificial intelligence, etc. We aim to identify the students and scholars interested and working on this topic in Finland, and launch a network for future collaboration.
Aud XVI Perjantai 26.10. klo 9
Puheenjohtaja: Hannu Linkola (Turun yliopisto, maisemantutkimus)
Maisemakuvastoja on tutkittu runsaasti suhteessa kansallisvaltion rakentamiseen. Näissä tutkimuksessa on korostunut valtion toimijuutta korostanut poliittinen näkökulma. Kuvastot on nähty kansallismielisen eliitin laatimina spatiaalisen sosialisaation välineinä, joiden kautta on luotu käsitystä kansakunnan historiallisista jatkumoista, kansallisen territorion sisällöistä sekä kansalaisuutta ohjaavista moraalisista koodeista. Samalla maisemien ja kuvastojen on osoitettu rakentavan ihmisten maantieteellistä mielikuvitusta ja siihen liittyviä tunnekategorioita.
Vaikka poliittisen maisemakuvastotutkimuksen näkökulmat on todettu arvokkaiksi, on sitä myös kritisoitu. Ensinnäkin sen on katsottu käsittelevän valtiota itsenäisenä, ihmisistä riippumattomana toimijana, vaikka valtio ja siihen liitetty tapa katsoa maisemia tulisi pikemminkin nähdä valtaa pitävien ryhmien strategisena toimintana. Toiseksi kuvastotutkimuksen on sanottu korostavan visuaalista lähestymistapaa ja sivuuttavan siten maiseman ja ihmisen välisen kokemuksellisen suhteen. Kansallista kategoriaa korostava tutkimusote on myös muuttunut itseään toteuttavaksi tulkintakehykseksi, jonka rinnalla muiden mittakaavatasojen, merkitysmahdollisuuksien ja kuvaston muutosdynamiikan käsittely on jäänyt vähäiseksi.
Tässä työryhmässä tarkastellaan maiseman, kuvan ja kokemuksen välisiä suhteita uudesta näkökulmasta. Mahdollisia teemoja ovat esimerkiksi maisemien ja maisemakuvastojen ylipaikallisuus ja hybridisyys, elettyjen tilojen ja paikkojen suhde maiseman ja kuvaston muutoksiin, maiseman ja maisemakuvastojen synnyttämien affektien jäljittäminen, maisemien ja maisemakuvien vaihtoehtoiset tai muuttuvat luennat sekä maisemakuvastojen taustalta löytyvien toimijaverkkojen ja ideologioiden uuden yhteenkietoutumat.
Aud XI October 26th 9am
Session chairs: Pia Bäcklund (University of Helsinki), Meri Norola (University of Helsinki), Arttu Paarlahti (University of Helsinki)
Aud XV October 26th 9am
Session chair: Johanna Eklund (University of Helsinki)
Biodiversity is declining and this loss is predicted to increase markedly in the future unless drastic action is taken. Halting this loss has been central to both the Convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. However, progress to achieve the goals has been slow and success often limited by practical constraints, such as available funds and capacity, but also political will and parochialism. In this session, we will explore what are the tools, data, and methodological advances that geography can contribute with in addressing this loss. We will discuss a) the role of funding in mitigating this loss, b) the impacts protected areas have had, and c) how spatial prioritization techniques can help identifying key areas for biodiversity conservation, balancing the requirements of also other land-uses. We will present work ranging from the global to the local, with clear links to policy-making processes.
Special focus will be given to discuss the use of novel data sources and/or methods, and challenges arising from this for making inferences.
This session is organized in collaboration with Digital Geography Lab and also welcomes audience who are not attending The Annual Meeting for Finnish Geographers