Call for papers

The call for papers has now closed!
Instructions for the proposals

Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting your abstract.

Individual papers

Presentations of individual papers will be sorted into thematic workshops of 3-4 presenters by the organizing committee. Each presentation is allocated 15 minutes, followed by a brief Q&A session. 

For the submission of an individual paper, you will need the following:

  • Abstract
    • Max 200 words
    • Please do not include subheadings, bullet points, or reference lists in the abstract
    • The abstract can be either in Finnish or English. The language of the abstract will determine the language of the presentation
  • Title of your presentation
    • Titles should be short but informative. Abbreviations should be avoided.
  • 3 to 5 keywords
    • Please keep in mind that the allocation into thematic workshops is made based on the keywords


Symposia proposals

A symposium consists of 3-4 presentations on a specific topic or theme. A symposium must have a designated chair who can be one of the presenters. The chair is responsible for assembling the presenters for the symposium and submitting the proposal. The language of the symposium can be Finnish, English, or both. For the symposiums using both languages, please provide the symposium abstract in English. Each presentation in the symposium is allocated 15 minutes, followed by a brief Q&A session.

For the submission of a symposium proposal, you will need the following:

  • Title for the symposia
  • Symposium abstract (max 150 words) briefly outlining the thematic topic and its importance
  • 3 to 5 keywords
  • Titles of the individual presentations within the symposium and separate abstracts (max 200 words) written in the language (Finnish or English) used in the particular presentation