
Northern Lights Neuroscience Symposium 2024: Expanding spectrum of common dementia disorders
Hanasaari, Finland

Final program
Thursday, 26 September 2024

10.00 - 10.30 Poster viewing and coffee


10.30 - 13.00 Session 1 (Moderators: Liisa Myllykangas and Olivera Casar-Borota)

10.30 -10.45 Welcoming words, Liisa Myllykangas (Chair of the organising committee) & Olivera Casar-Borota (Chair of the SNS)

10.45 -11.30 Introduction to the theme: Expanding spectrum of dementia disoders – Prof. Irina Alafuzoff, Uppsala University, Sweden

11.30- 12.15  Disease-driving mechanisms of LATE-NC  – Prof. Peter Nelson, University of Kentucky, USA 

12.15-13.00 Clinical and imaging signatures of LATE: Developing a diagnostic framework – Prof. David Wolk, University of Pennsylvania, USA


13.00-14.00 Lunch


14.00-15.15 Session 2 (Moderators: Irina Alafuzoff and Benjamin Englert)

14.00 -14.45  Tauopathies: Update on Tau-related conditions – Prof.  Gabor Kovacs, University of Toronto, Canada

14.45 -14.55  Digital morphological profiling reveals regional- and disease-specific differences of glial cells in neurodegenerative proteinopathies - Vladyslav Vadymovych Tkach, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

14.55 -15.05 Neuropathologic change in olfactory bulb and nerve of subjects with Covid19 infection – Sylwia Libard, University of Uppsala, Sweden

15.05 -15.15 TDP-43 pathology in frontal cortical brain biopsies of normal pressure hydrocephalus patients – Tuomas Rauramaa, University of Eastern Finland, Finland


15.15 - 15.45 Coffee break and poster viewing


15.45 - 16.30 Patrick Sourander Lecture (Chair: Liisa Myllykangas):

Investigating choroid plexus and cerebrospinal fluid roles and functions in neurologic disease - Prof. Maria Lehtinen, Harvard Medical School, USA


16.30 - 18.30 Free time (time for exploring Hanasaari, sauna and swimming, Sauna reserved for ladies 16.30 - 17.30 and for gentlemen 17.30 - 18.30, please remember to bring your swimming suits with you!)


18.30 – Networking event (Cruise from Hanasaari to Kauppatori marketplace and 15 minute walk to dinner in Restaurant Katajanokan kasino, bus transportation back to Hanasaari at 23.00. Note: if you have mobility issues, please contact in advance)

Friday, 27 September 2024

9.30 - 11.30 Session 3 (Moderators: Eloise Kok and Sylwia Libard) 

9.30 - 9.40 Lewy-related pathology in the Tampere Sudden Death Study – Eloise Kok, University ofHelsinki, Finland

9.40 - 9.50 3D microscopy unravels details in amyloid plaque-microglia-interaction in APP/PS1 mice - Maria Gotkiewicz, University of Eastern Finland, Finland

9.50 - 10.00 Evaluating the Impact of Data Harmonization on Multi-site Simulated Neurodegeneration Dataset Analysis - Mithilesh Prakash, University of Eastern Finland, Finland

10.00– 10.45 Subtypes of Alzheimer’s disease: Glial activation and TDP-43 differences among neuropathologic subtypes of Alzheimer’s disease - Prof. Melissa Murray, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, USA 

10.45 - 11.30  An update on Alzheimer’s disease tau subtypes: clinical and biological insights - Assistant prof. Jacob Vogel, Lund University, Sweden


11.30 - 12.30 Lunch 


12.30 – 14.00 Session 4 (Moderators: Eva Løbner Lund and Maria Gardberg)

12.30 - 13.05 Neuropathological subtypes of Lewy body disease: evidence from a population-based study - Assoc. prof. Liisa Myllykangas, University of Helsinki, Finland

13.05 - 13.15 Genetic Subgroups in Lewy Body Dementia: the influence of Alzheimer's Pathology – Karri Kaivola, University of Helsinki, Finland

13.15 - 14.00 Brain-first vs. Body-first types of Lewy body disease – clinical, imaging, and postmortem data - Prof. Per Borghammer, Aarhus University, Denmark


14.00 - 14.30 Coffee and poster viewing


14.30 – 16.00 Session 5 (Moderators: Tuomo Polvikoski and Olli Tynninen) 

14.30 -15.15 CADASIL, the leading genetic cause of small vessel disease - Prof. Masafumi Ihara,National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Japan

15.15 – 16.00 Mixed pathologies of the ageing brain, Prof. Johannes Attems, Newcastle University, UK


16.00 Closing remarks (Liisa Myllykangas)


16.15 -17.30 General assembly of SNS for members