
Registration for the Nordic Obesity Meeting 2024 is open until 25 January 2024.

If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact our Conference Office at
NOM24 registration fees

The registration fees include conference program, coffee and lunch breaks as announced in the program, and the Helsinki City Reception for which a separate registration link will be sent closer to the event.



Early Bird fee

(Until 26 Nov 2023)

Late fee

(Until 25 Jan 2024) 

EASO member €240 €320
Non-EASO member €320 €400
Invited speaker/sponsor/exhibitor FREE FREE
Additional sponsor/exhibitor €240 €320

The payment options are payment by credit card (Visa, Mastercard or Maestro) or against invoice (invoicing fee €18 will be added).

You are entitled to EASO Member fees if you are a member of your local obesity association, e.g.:

- Dansk Selskab for Adipositas Forskning - Danish Association for the Study of Obesity (DSAF or DASO)

- Finnish Association for the Study of Obesity (FASO)

- Icelandic Society for Obesity Research and Prevention (FFO)

- Norsk Fedmeforskningsforening; Norwegian Association for the Study of Obesity (NFFF)

- Svensk Förening för Obesitasforskning; Swedish Association for the Study of Obesity (SFO).


* For cancellations made by or on November 27th, 2023, full refund (50 eur handling fee will be deducted)

* For cancellations made after November 27th, 2023, no refunds will be made.

The conference organisers cannot accept liability for personal injuries sustained, for loss of, or damage to property belonging to participants (or their accompanying persons), either during or as a result of the Conference. The registration fees do not include insurance of any kind so please check the validity and coverage of your own travel insurance.

The organisers do not take responsibility for force majeure reasons for cancellation of the event (natural disaster, outbreak of severe contagious epidemic, major strikes etc.). In such a case, the organising committee reserves the right to decide about refunding of paid registration fees.