Registration is open

The Joint Nordic EPOS & 53rd NSS will be in a hybrid format, allowing both attendees and presenters the option to attend the meeting in person or remotely. In both cases, registration is required.

Both onsite and remote participants are invited to register for the event preferable before Monday 10 October.

Register here

Registration fee

A small registration fee to cover part of the organisation expenses is collected from the onsite participants.  

Some refreshments will be offered during the session breaks and poster session. The event includes a dinner on Wednesday evening for registered onsite participants. 

  • Normal fee: 50€
  • Student fee: 25€
Call for abstracts

Call for abstracts for an oral and/or a poster presentation is open.

Presentations from following topics for example are welcome:

  • Seismic monitoring and analysis
  • (Nordic) EPOS related projects and activities including FAIR data, technical and RI management  
  • Station network and instrument pool updates  
  • Seismicity and seismic hazard and risk 
  • Earthquake catalogues 
  • Applied seismology

You are welcome to submit an abstract from other relevant topics as well. 


Abstracts can be submitted via email to until Monday 10 of October. Note, preliminary title of your abstract is asked already during the registration.