Restaurants and Pubs

Lunch is not included in the conference fee, but the program has plenty of time for a lunch with your friends and co-workers.

There are plenty of restaurants within a 5-minute walk from the conference venue; and the list below includes some examples. In addition, there are several university canteens close to the conference venue, also providing lunch in the same price range. If you want someting particular, please spend a few minutes before the conference to look at the list. And, if in doubt, please ask your colleagues from Helsinki or at the registration desk.

Lunch & Dinner

Fine dining:


Helsinki offers a great selection of pubs; and the secret is that everything is within your reach. Below we assembled a very subjective list of great pubs and bars in Helsinki center.

Few tips:

  • Most Helsinki bars only get busy after 21:00, most closing around 01:00 or 02:00. Nightclubs usually close around 04:00.
  • Nearly all bars in Helsinki accept payment by credit or debit card.
  • Staff speaks fluent English and usually Swedish.
  • Smoking is not allowed.
  • Generally, the locals do not tip; however, bars do have tip jars for loose change.