
Book of Abstracts

The Book of Abstracts is available here:

The abstract book will only be available in an electronic form, please make sure you download and save it to your phone or laptop.

Abstracts guidelines and submission

Deadline for abstract submission: May 31, 2018 (abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be considered for Contributed Talks).

Contributed Talk acceptance notification: June 15, 2018.

Please use the abstract template provided below while preparing the abstract.

  • Abstracts should be submitted in an electronic form by sending them to elyman@udel.edu (Edward Lyman). In the email, please select your preferred presentation type: i) Contributed Talk only; ii) Poster only; iii) Poster or Contributed talk.
  • We encourage one abstract per one participant. If you wish to show multiple abstracts (as posters/contributed talks), please contact the organizers (Edward Lyman) before doing so.
  • All presenters (Contributed Talks and poster presentations) are required to pay and register for the full conference program.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee who reserves the right to reject any abstract which does not meet the conference criteria. Due to time restrictions in the conference program, it may be possible that not all requests for Contributed Talks (oral) could be approved. If the request for Contributed Talk has been rejected, authors may be offered an opportunity to present their work as a poster.
  • By submitting your abstract online, authors consent to their abstract being reviewed and published in conference material where appropriate.
  • The Organizing Committee reserves the right to edit an abstract for the conference programme to meet formatting, space. and readability requirements.
  • If you want to withdraw an abstract, please contact the Organizing Committee in writing via email to elyman@udel.edu (Edward Lyman). Please note that withdrawals need to be communicated in writing by the author who originally submitted the abstract, and in doing so, the Organizing Committee assumes that all other authors/presenters have been informed of the withdrawal.