Symposia and Contributed Sessions

We are committed to stimulating interdisciplinary dialogue and enhancing international collaboration. Therefore, we selected 24 symposia encompassing broad and integrative topics of interest to researchers from various fields such as developmental biology, genetics, paleontology, theoretical biology, ecology, genomics, and comparative biology, all underpinned by an evolutionary focus.
S01 — Developmental rules limiting diversity.

Symposium: Wednesday, 26. June, 13:50-15:30, Tekla Hultin (F3003)
Contributed Session: Wednesday, 26. June, 16:00-17:05, Tekla Hultin (F3003)

Organizers: Fernando Garcia-Moreno (Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience, Spain); Rodrigo Senovilla-Ganzo (Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience, Spain)

The studies conducted by Haeckel and von Baer were pioneering in nature and raised questions about the presence of more conserved processes during development. However, the experimental verification and the reasons for these evolutionary constraints continue to be heavily debated. The emergence of computational approaches, mainly based on -omics experimental data, has enabled the Evo-Devo field to shed new light on this contentious topic.  The purpose of this symposium is to examine the phylotypic stage, a key concept in Evo-Devo constraints, using classical and modern approaches. The aim of this symposium is to cover this topic in a wide range of organisms, both at the whole-embryo and organ levels, to encourage a comprehensive discussion. Parameters such as transcriptomic and gene regulatory network conservation, pleiotropy, and gene age will be evaluated.

S02 — Shapes and colours: Evo-Devo of morphogenesis.

Symposium: Thursday, 27. June, 9:00-10:30, Auditorium (F2044)
Contributed Session: Thursday, 27. June, 11:10-12:30, Auditorium (F2044)

Organizer: Pierre Galipot (Université de Rennes, France)

The relationships between shapes and biological functions have been extensively studied across all scales of life. These links are subject to selection pressures. Darwin used these links to illustrate his evolutionary theory, such as the coevolution of the depth of an orchid spur and the size of the proboscis of its predicted nectar-consuming butterfly. Another example is the famous peppered moth and its two color morphs. The question of the formation of shapes and colors during development, morphogenesis, has been a constant source of research topics. They have been studied in model species and an increasing number of organisms. As a result, studies combining evo and devo have been carried out in recent years, revealing previously unknown processes. The primary challenge in the coming years is to reveal connections between concepts and discoveries found in vastly different organisms. This session aims to accomplish that.

S03 — The development and evolution of reproduction and sex organs.

Symposium: Wednesday, 26. June, 13:50-15:30, F3017 (Streamed in Fuksi)
Contributed Session: Wednesday, 26. June, 16:00-17:05, F3017 (Streamed in Fuksi)

Organizers: Ella Preger-Ben Noon; Milton Urum (both Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel); Michael Lang (CNRS, Laboratoire Evolution, Génomes Comportement, Ecologie (EGCE), France)

Sexual organs and traits related to reproduction are some of the most rapidly evolving features in all kingdoms. They offer a unique model for studying morphological diversity, development, morphogenesis, sexual selection, and speciation. Although sexual selection provides a solid theoretical foundation for understanding the ultimate drivers of sexual organ evolution, our understanding of the developmental pathways governing their development is still limited.  The purpose of this symposium is to solidify current research trends on the development and evolution of sexual organs, establishing it as a thriving field within Evo-Devo.

This symposium is supported by the Company of Biologists.

S04 — Gene regulatory networks in development and evolution.

Symposium: Wednesday, 26. June, 9:00-10:30, Auditorium (F2044)
Contributed Session I: Wednesday, 26. June, 11:10-12:30, Auditorium (F2044)
Contributed Session II: Wednesday, 26. June, 16:00-17:05, Small Hall (F4050)

Organizers: Natascha Zhang née Turetzek (LMU Munich, Germany); Nico Posnien (University Goettingen, Germany)

Gene products, such as proteins or regulatory RNA molecules, regulate most biological processes. These gene products are not individual actors but are typically embedded in signaling pathways and complex gene regulatory networks (GRNs). The complexity and relevance of such regulatory interactions among many genes have been recognized and extensively studied for developmental processes. In evolutionary biology and quantitative genetics, approaches to establish associations between genetic variants and phenotypic diversity often assume additive causal effects of a few genetic loci. However, recent high-throughput genome-wide association studies have shown that phenotypic diversity is shaped by many loci, each with a minor individual contribution to the phenotypic outcome. Identifying individual genes responsible for phenotypic variation, particularly in organ size and shape, can be challenging. Therefore, it is crucial to identify evolving GRN modules and link them to variable cellular and developmental processes instead of isolated genes. Access to extensive genome sequencing and gene expression profiling, even at the single-cell level, along with the study of the epigenome, facilitates the reconstruction of regulatory interactions, even in emerging model systems. Therefore, GRNs will be essential for modern Evo-Devo research. We argue that major Evo-Devo concepts, such as redeployment, robustness, plasticity, and phenotypic novelties, should be approached with a network-centric view.

S05 — Systems understanding of development: What can we learn about canalization?

Symposium: Friday, 28. June, 13:50-15:30, Tekla Hultin (F3003)

Organizers: Atsuko Sato (Department of Biology Ochanomizu University, Japan); Daniel Capek (University of Konstanz, Germany)

In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of mathematical descriptions of biological data. However, the description of organismal development in mathematics is still in its early stages. The process of canalization, which leads to a single developmental path despite genetic and environmental perturbations, remains a fundamental question. Conrad Hal Waddington's book 'The Strategy of the Genes' (1957) highlights several important issues in the mathematical understanding of development, including maternal factors, environmental impacts, and developmental buffering. This symposium presents recent advances in understanding canalization using diverse tools.

This symposium is supported by the Company of Biologists.

S06 — Diversity of sex determination mechanisms.

Symposium: Thursday, 27. June, 13:50-15:30, Small Hall (F4050)
Contributed Session: Thursday, 27. June, 16:00-17:05, Small Hall (F4050)

Organizers: Maria Rosselló (Universitat de Barcelona and Oxford Brookes University, Spain and UK);  Rafath Chowdhury (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain); Sophie Tandonnet (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

Evolutionary biology has long been interested in understanding major evolutionary transitions, such as the shift between asexual and sexual modes of reproduction and the mechanisms behind genotypic or environmental sex determination (GSD/ESD). Investigating the genetic mechanisms governing sex determination in different taxa could shed light on conserved mechanisms underlying these remarkable diversities. This symposium aims to unite molecular geneticists and evolutionary biologists to uncover the crucial events in sex chromosome evolution and the factors responsible for sex determination.

S07 — The role of time in development and evolution.

Symposium: Wednesday, 26. June, 13:50-15:30, Auditorium (F2044)
Contributed Session: Wednesday, 26. June, 16:00-17:05, Auditorium (F2044)

Organizers: Manuel Irimia (Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Spain); Chema Martin-Duran (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom)

Heterochronies, or changes in developmental timing, have been proposed as a central evolutionary process in phenotypic diversification. However, the extent to which heterochronies drive evolutionary change and the precise molecular mechanisms that alter the timing and rate of development of homologous characters are still poorly understood. In recent years, there has been exponential progress in DNA/RNA sequencing, imaging, genome editing, and other technologies that have revolutionized all areas of biology. These advancements have opened new opportunities to explore the principles that promote developmental and morphological changes over evolutionary time. One immediate consequence of recent advancements is that major questions and hypotheses in evolutionary developmental biology, framed decades ago, are now being revisited and answered with unprecedented levels of detail and taxonomic coverage. Our symposium aims to explore how new techniques, research systems, and data demonstrate the precise role of developmental timing in phenotypic diversification during evolution.

This symposium is supported by the Company of Biologists.

S08 — The evolution of multicellularity and cell differentiation.

Symposium: Wednesday, 26. June, 9:00-10:30, Small Hall (F4050)
Contributed Session: Wednesday, 26. June, 11:10-12:30, Small Hall (F4050)

Organizers: James Gahan (University of Oxford, UK); Núria Ros i Rocher (Institut Pasteur, France); Pawel Burkhardt (Michael Sars Centre, Norway)

Multicellularity has evolved multiple times in eukaryotes. However, the emergence of complex multicellular organisms, which generally consist of multiple distinct cell types with a certain degree of cell-cell adhesion, intercellular communication, and sometimes tissue differentiation, is rare in evolution and has only occurred a few times. The molecular basis for most of these events remains unclear, as does the question of whether the evolution of multicellularity follows similar paths in different lineages. This symposium brings together scientists working on these questions in a variety of emerging model systems that cover diverse lineages of the eukaryotic tree of life. The scientists combine experimental work, computational analysis, and modeling.

This symposium is supported by the Company of Biologists.

S09 — Highlighting developmental divergence and systems drift.

Symposium: Thursday, 27. June, 9:00-10:30, Tekla Hultin (F3003)
Contributed Session: Thursday, 27. June, 11:10-12:30, Tekla Hultin (F3003)

Organizers: Sophie Pantalacci (LBMC/ ENS de Lyon, France); Renske Vroomans (Cambridge University, UK)

The foundation of modern Evo-Devo is based on the discovery of developmental conservation in distantly related animal and plant species. Remarkable levels of conservation have been observed at various levels of organization in developmental systems, including developmental genes or pathways, cellular mechanisms, and even developmental dynamics. The emphasis on conservation has influenced our expectations, leading to a disregard for divergence. However, recent research has shown that developmental divergence can be significant even among closely related species or strains, and can occur early in development. Additionally, conserved phenotypic traits can result from divergent developmental mechanisms. This refers to the fact that what is conserved at one level of the system, such as cell geometry or cell dynamics in the embryo, may diverge at a different level, such as molecular regulation. Developmental Systems Drift is a phenomenon which is intimately linked with the robustness of developmental systems, degeneracy of G-P maps, and compensatory evolution at micro- and macroevolutionary scales. Understanding this concept has significant implications for other fields of evolutionary biology, such as those interested in the evolutionary dynamics of speciation or genome evolution. This symposium will focus on studying developmental conservation and divergence at different levels of biological systems as a new approach to achieving a more integrated understanding of evolution.  We encourage submissions which use multidisciplinary approaches to quantify, characterize, and explain developmental divergence and developmental system drift at multiple organizational levels, from the micro- to the macroevolutionary scale, in a variety of organisms. We also strongly encourage submissions which report theoretical studies.

This symposium is supported by the Company of Biologists.

S10 — Evolving links between paleontology and development.

Symposium: Wednesday, 26. June, 9:00-10:30, F3017 (Streamed in Fuksi)
Contributed Session: Wednesday, 26. June, 11:10-12:30, F3017 (Streamed in Fuksi)

Organizers: Jukka Jernvall (University of Helsinki, Finland), Suvi Viranta (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Although fossils provide limited opportunities to examine development, paleontology can contribute to and benefit from Evo-Devo research. This symposium aims to illustrate the latest advances in the ways fossil finds can be used to resolve evolutionary transitions requiring major shifts in development. These analyses involve new fossil discoveries and high-resolution imaging of fossil anatomy. The symposium aims to cover the use of fossil records in testing developmental biology-inspired models and theories. It will discuss empirical, methodological, and conceptual challenges that require interdisciplinary approaches linking neontological and paleontological data.

S11 — Molecular controls over developmental tempos across species.

Symposium: Thursday, 27. June, 13:50-15:30, F3017 (Streamed in Fuksi)

Organizer: Denis Jabaudon (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Embryogenesis is a coordinated process that occurs in both space and time. The sequence and pace of developmental steps are critical for the proper assembly and function of organs. Until recently, there was limited information on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that may underlie the differences in developmental time spans across species. Additionally, there was limited information on the extent to which regulation of timing and pace might drive structural and functional specialization. The discussion will focus on an overall framework that could account for observed differences between species, with a particular interest in the role of cell metabolism and how it contributes to developmental processes such as progenitor function and cellular differentiation paces.

S12 — Neuro-evo-devo I: Emergence of neural structures.

Symposium: Thursday, 27. June, 9:00-10:30, F3017 (Streamed in Fuksi)
Contributed Session: Thursday, 27. June, 11:10-12:30, F3017 (Streamed in Fuksi)

Organizers: Matteo Bozzo (University of Genoa, Italy); Baptiste Libé-Philippot (VIB - KULeuven, Belgium); Michael Schubert (Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement de Villefranche-sur-Mer, France)

Nervous systems enable animals to coordinate body functions and respond to external stimuli. The neuron is the principal cell type that defines a nervous system, as it is specialized to transmit nerve impulses. The evolutionary emergence of nervous systems as behavioral control centers is still poorly understood and remains a topic of continuing debate in the scientific community. To facilitate conceptual advances in our understanding of nervous system evolution, we propose a symposium that will feature contributions from various model systems, including cnidarians, fungi, annelids, and sharks. The symposium will provide an integrative context that combines developmental biology with genetics, genomics, and behavioral studies. The presentations will cover the evolutionary emergence of animal nervous systems, from the origin of neurons to their assembly into neural circuits. Additionally, attempts to establish homologies between the nervous systems of distantly related species will be discussed, making use of the latest technical advances in biological research.

This symposium is supported by the Company of Biologists.

S13 — Neuro-evo-devo II: Adaptive diversification of neural structures.

Symposium: Friday, 28. June, 9:00-10:30, Small Hall (F4050)
Contributed Session: Friday, 28. June, 11:10-12:30, Small Hall (F4050)

Organizers: Vera Terblanche Hunnekuhl (University Göttingen, Germany); Detlev Arendt (EMBL, Germany); Gregor Bucher (University Göttingen, Germany)

Neural systems exhibit significant morphological diversity throughout the animal kingdom, with even closely related taxa displaying observable neural divergence. Neural function evolves through changes in circuit properties, such as connectivity and neuromodulation, as well as the emergence of new cell types. In orthologous cell types, changes in intrinsic properties also contribute to neural function evolution. In organisms with a central nervous system, the integration of sensory organs and their stimuli by the central neural circuits adds another level of complexity. To reveal the developmental and genetic mechanisms that underlie the evolutionary diversification of neural circuits, it is necessary to employ approaches from different technical and conceptual angles. The aim of this second symposium is to discuss nervous and sensory system adaptation and diversification on different phylogenetic levels. The discussions will encompass a variety of animal taxa and technical approaches, such as single-cell sequencing, multi-omics techniques, and morphometric analyses. Additionally, it will integrate behavioural and ecological data.

This symposium is supported by the Company of Biologists.

S14 — Epigenetics and evolution.

Symposium: Friday, 28. June, 13:50-15:30, Small Hall (F4050)

Organizers: Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna (Uppsala University, Sweden); Sonja J. Prohaska (Computational EvoDevo, Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig, Germany); Josep Jiménez-Chillarón (University of Barcelona, Spain); Jan Engelhardt (Department for Evolutionary Biology, University of Vienna, Austria)

Epigenetic mechanisms play a fundamental role in phenotype formation. However, the relevance of epigenetic mechanisms in evolution is just starting to be explored. The main aim of the symposium is to present ongoing research investigating the evolution and function of epigenetic mechanisms in non-model organisms and the role of epigenetic mechanisms in mediating environmentally induced inheritance. It will congregate researchers studying the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the context of evolutionary biology.

S15 — Theory, methods, and practices for predictive Evo-Devo.

Symposium: Friday, 28. June, 9:00-10:30, Tekla Hultin (F3003)
Contributed Session: Friday, 28. June, 11:10-12:30, Tekla Hultin (F3003)

Organizers: Lisandro Milocco (Lund University, Sweden), Masahito Tsuboi (Lund University, Sweden)

The central objective of evolutionary developmental biology is to comprehend how development generates variation and determines admissible evolutionary paths. This understanding would enable us to make quantitative and predictive inferences about evolution, both in the past and future, using developmental information. This, in turn, would allow us to predict and control evolutionary trajectories for applied fields such as conservation, agriculture, and epidemiology. This symposium will discuss novel theories, methods, and practices for extracting relevant information from the developmental process to predict and retrodict evolution. The interdisciplinary approach will include theoretical modeling, phylogenetic comparative analyses, quantitative genetics, and data-driven methods that exploit recent technological advances in developmental biology. Our goal is to stimulate discussions that enhance our capacity to apply evolutionary developmental biology in practical contexts.

S16 — Environmental cues for life cycle transitions.

Symposium: Friday, 28. June, 9:00-10:30, F3017 (Streamed in Fuksi)
Contributed Session: Friday, 28. June, 11:10-12:30, F3017 (Streamed in Fuksi)

Organizers: Elizabeth Williams (University of Exeter, UK), Vincent Laudet (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

All living organisms undergo state transitions during their life cycle. These transitions can be subtle or gradual, or they can be more rapid and dramatic.  Regardless of the type of transition, the timing of these changes is regulated by feedback between external environmental cues and internal organismal hormones or cellular signaling molecules. This is a shared feature of life cycle transitions across different kingdoms. It is important to note that these changes are objective and regulated by external and internal factors. Although multi-stage life cycles are prevalent, questions remain regarding their regulation. Specifically, which environmental cues trigger changes and how do organisms sense them? Additionally, how are these cues integrated to shape changes in behavior, physiology, and morphology? It is also important to consider whether mechanisms driving change are shared across different phyla and what their evolutionary history is. This symposium will examine life cycle transitions and the influence of the environment on them from a broad perspective. The discussion will encompass single-celled to multi-cellular organisms, including bacteria, algae, protists, fungi, plants, and both invertebrate and vertebrate animals. The focus will be on the crucial role of ecology in regulating life cycle transitions, with particular emphasis on inter-organismal communication. By comparing and contrasting life cycle transitions and inter-organismal communication across different kingdoms of life, we aim to identify commonalities and novelties that offer a fresh perspective on the role of ecology in shaping life cycles. We also aim to explore how internal and external signals influence a genome to produce diverse forms and physiologies throughout an organism's lifespan.

This symposium is supported by the Company of Biologists.

S17— How does neural crest cell biology influence micro-evolution?

Symposium: Friday, 28. June, 13:50-15:30, F3017 (Streamed in Fuksi)

Organizers: Nathalie Feiner (Lund University, Sweden), Aleksandra Marconi (University of Cambridge, UK), Robin Pranter (Lund University, Sweden), Emília Santos (University of Cambridge, UK)

The origin and significance of neural crest cells in the evolution of the head and other vertebrate traits have received significant attention. However, the contribution of neural crest cells to micro-evolutionary adaptation and diversification has not been thoroughly investigated. The neural crest cell's unusual features, such as long-distance migration through the embryo, suggest that their proliferation, migration, and differentiation may play important roles in generating variation in functionally relevant traits, such as craniofacial features and pigmentation, both within and between species. As the neural crest contributes to multiple traits in development, the biology of neural crest cells should have a substantial impact on evolvability. The symposium will showcase how the integration of population genomics and developmental genetics with emerging methods can be utilized to decode the principles that regulate the generation and modification of neural crest derived characteristics in vertebrate evolution.

Speakers: David Parichy (University of Virginia, USA); Marie Manceau (Collège de France, CNRS, France); Craig Albertson (University of Massachusetts, USA); Arkhat Abzhanov (Imperial College London, UK)

S18 — Evolution of gene regulation in development.

Symposium: Friday, 28. June, 9:00-10:30, Auditorium (F2044)
Contributed Session: Friday, 28. June, 11:10-12:30, Auditorium (F2044)

Organizers: Marta Álvarez-Presas (Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, UPF-CSIC), Spain), Jordi Paps (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)

Gene regulation is a crucial process for development, from embryo formation to cell differentiation. It is also vital for maintaining tissue homeostasis and responding to the environment. Recent advances in genomics, proteomics, and other technologies have revealed that gene regulation is a complex and dynamic process, mediated by various factors such as transcription factors, signaling molecules, DNA methylation, and chromatin modifiers. The evolution of mechanisms and their connection to development is a captivating research topic. By understanding how gene regulation has evolved, we can gain insights into the development of new traits and the origins of disease in all organisms, including plants or unicellular organisms. The symposium will interest scientists in developmental biology, evolutionary biology, and genetics. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the latest research in this exciting field and discuss new ideas and directions for future research.

S19 — Exploring Eco-Evo-Devo in unicellular eukaryotes.

Symposium: Wednesday, 26. June, 13:50-15:30, Small Hall (F4050)

Organizers: Antonella Ruggiero (European Molecular Biology Lab, Germany), Flora Vincent (EMBL, Germany)

While Eco-Evo-Devo has traditionally focused on multicellular organisms, recent research has revealed the presence of complex developmental processes in unicellular life forms. This symposium aims to bring together experts and enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds to explore the application of developmental features, such as polarity, cell differentiation, and morphologic plasticity, in unicellular organisms from an ecological and evolutionary perspective.

S20 — General principles of Evo-Devo.

Symposium: Wednesday, 26. June, 9:00-10:30, Tekla Hultin (F3003)
Contributed Session: Wednesday, 26. June, 11:10-12:30, Tekla Hultin (F3003)

Organizers: Roland Zimm (Institute of Functional Genomics, ENS Lyon, France), Miguel Brun Usan (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain), Berta Verd (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)

Life's complexity and diversity arise from interactions between different biological levels, from genes and cells to tissues and organisms. Evo-Devo aims to uncover the central principles that organize this dynamic interplay, leading to new hypotheses, discoveries, and research opportunities. Efforts have been made to synthesize these processes into universal mechanisms of nature. This symposium aims to bring together various disciplines, approaches, and perspectives to discuss these general principles and how they can be connected into cohesive theories of Evo-Devo.

S21 — Adaptations of developmental and physiological plasticity to environmental constraints.

Symposium: Thursday, 27. June, 9:00-10:30, Small Hall (F4050)
Contributed Session: Thursday, 27. June, 11:10-12:30, Small Hall (F4050)

Organizers: Patrick Steinmetz (University of Bergen, Norway), Nicolas Rohner (Stowers Institute for Medical Research, USA), Nidal Karagic (University of Helsinki, Finland).

Environmental shifts, such as changes in food availability, temperature, or seasonal variations, intricately shape the development and physiology of organisms. Currently, we are just beginning to comprehend how environmental constraints influence adaptations in developmental plasticity, cellular physiology, and gene regulation. The purpose of this symposium is to unite scientists who study the evolutionary adaptations of developmental and physiological plasticity in all kingdoms.

S22 — Mammalian evo-devo: insights from new animal models and evolutionary anthropology.

Symposium: Thursday, 27. June, 13:50-15:30, Auditorium (F2044)
Contributed Session: Thursday, 27. June, 16:00-17:05, Auditorium (F2044)

Organizers: Alexa Sadier (ISEM, CNRS, France), Jaap Saers (Naturalis, NL), Ricardo Mallarino (Princeton, USA), Frietson Galis (Naturalis, NL)

Mammals are widely regarded as one of the most successful animal lineages, with over 5,400 species. This success is attributed to their ability to adapt and diversify across a wide range of ecological niches, thanks to the acquisition of key morphological, physiological, and behavioral innovations. These include pregnancy, hair and fur, heterodont dentition, and various locomotor strategies. The evolution of complex brains, particularly in the human lineage, has provided cognitive advantages resulting in highly developed sensory perception, intricate social behaviors, and advanced problem-solving skills. While the significance of mammalian evolutionary novelties is well-recognized, the mechanisms governing their emergence and diversification remain poorly understood. This symposium invites Evo-Devo researchers who use innovative integrative approaches across a wide range of non-traditional mammalian systems, including humans, to work on these questions. The symposium aims to explore the diversification of mammals and their unique traits across multiple biological systems to uncover insights into the evolutionary processes driving the evolution of this diverse group, including our own lineage.

S23 — Plant Evo-Devo.

Symposium: Thursday, 27. June, 13:50-15:30, Tekla Hultin (F3003)
Contributed Session: Thursday, 27. June, 16:00-17:05, Tekla Hultin (F3003)

Organizer: Annette Becker (University of Giessen, Germany)

We invite researchers specializing in plant evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-Devo) to contribute to our upcoming open symposium. We are seeking submissions which either exclusively focus on plant research or integrate interactions between plants and other taxa. We encourage contributions across a diverse range of disciplines, including but not limited to developmental biology, genetics, paleontology, theoretical biology, ecology, genomics, and comparative biology. It is essential that all submissions maintain a strong emphasis on evolutionary perspectives.

S24 — Open symposium.

Symposium: Friday, 28. June, 13:50-15:30, Auditorium (F2044)
Contributed Session: Thursday, 27. June, 16:00-17:05, F3017 (Streamed in Fuksi)

Organizer: Scientific Committee of the EuroEvoDevo Society

The open symposium is designed for submissions that don't align with the themes of other symposia. It is important to note that this symposium has attracted a high volume of abstracts in the past. If possible, submitted abstracts will be grouped according to emerging themes to which a session can be devoted.


The numbering of the symposia does not imply the order or day in which they will be held during the meeting. The exact planning will be organized later to take into account various constraints of the scientific program.