Below you will find the brief version of the conference programme, the full programme including all presentations and abstracts can be found on this webpage.
9.15- |
Registration Language Centre, in front of the Festive Hall (3rd floor) |
9.45-10.00 |
Welcoming words Mervi Pantti & Risto Kunelius Language Centre, Festive Hall (3rd floor) |
10.00-10.45 |
Hilde Van Den Bulck (Drexel University): Epistemic Welfare and the Public Sphere: A Framework to Tackle the Epistemic Crisis Language Centre, Festive Hall (3rd floor) |
11.00-12.30 (12.45) |
Session 1: Media Accountability Between Commercial and Political Pressures Language Centre, Festive Hall (3rd floor) |
Session 2: Audiences, Citizens and Users: Epistemic Needs for Democratic Practices Language Centre, S406 (4th floor) |
12.30-13.30 |
Lunch Please note that the lunch will be self-funded. |
13.30-15.15 |
Session 3: Communication Policy and the Public Good Language Centre, Festive Hall (3rd floor) |
Session 4: Media Accountability and Epistemic Harms Language Centre, S406 (4th floor) |
15.00-15.30 |
Coffee Language Centre, in front of the Festive Hall (3rd floor) |
15.30-17.00 |
Special Session: Freedom of Speech and Platforms Tarlach McGonagle (University of Amsterdam) Mission (Im)possible?: Upholding Epistemic Values and Freedom of Expression in the Face of AI and Platform Power and Anni Carlsson (Swedish Defence University) Riku Neuvonen (University of Helsinki) Language Centre, Festive Hall (3rd floor) |
Session 5: Epistemic Wellbeing: Theories and Empirical Conditions Language Centre, S406 (4th floor) |
17.30-19.00 |
Reception Main Building, Agora (Fabianinkatu 33, 1st floor) |
9.30-10.15 |
Eugenia Siapera (University College Dublin) Reclaiming Autonomy: Rethinking AI’s Democratic Potential Language Centre, Festive Hall (3rd floor) |
10.30-12.00 |
Session 6: Diversity in Journalism Language Centre, Festive Hall (3rd floor) |
Session 7: Platforms and Democracy Language Centre, S406 (4th floor) |
12.00-14.00 |
Lunch Please note that the lunch will be self-funded. |
13.00-13.45 |
14.00-15.30 (15.45) |
Session 8: Politics of Climate Knowledge: Journalists, Platforms and Expertise Language Centre, Festive Hall (3rd floor) |
Session 9: Journalism: Profession, AI and Epistemic Challenges Language centre, S406 (4th floor) |
15.30-16.00 |
Coffee Language Centre, in front of the Festive Hall (3rd floor) |
16.00-16.45 |
Mike Ananny (University of Southern California) How is Generative AI Made a Public Problem? Language Centre, Festive Hall (3rd floor) |
16.45-17.00 |
Concluding words Hannu Nieminen Language Centre, Festive Hall (3rd floor) |