A webinar and an interdisciplinary series of lectures on Ukraine and from Ukraine in Spring 2022 aims to engage with Ukrainian scholars as well as scholars working in or on Ukraine. For the opening event, we invite three insightful Ukrainian scholars to reflect on the war in Ukraine from the point of view of their respective academic field and expertise.
Tatiana Zhurzhenko, Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS), Germany
Yuliya Bidenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Tymofii Brik, Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine
Moderator: Ruta Kazlauskaite, HEPP, University of Helsinki
Time: Thursday 24 March 12.00-13.30 Helsinki time (EET / UTC +2)
Register in advance at https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/Ukrainian_Voices_to_the_Fore to receive a Zoom link. You can also send your questions to speakers through the registration form.
Dr Tymofii Brik is an assistant professor at the Kyiv School of Economics, where he also leads the Centre for Sociological Research, in Decentralisation and Local development studies.
Dr Tatiana Zhurzenko is a researcher at the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) in Berlin, and she also teaches East European Politics at the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna. Her research addresses memory politics, borders and borderland identities, with a focus on Ukrainian-Russian borderlands, as well as gender politics in Ukraine and the post-Soviet space.
Dr Yuliya Bidenko is an associate professor in political science at Karazin Kharkiv National University. Her research focuses on civil society as well as the democratic and decentralisation reforms in Ukraine and the region of Eastern Europe.
This webinar is part of the “Understanding Contemporary Ukraine: the prism of war and beyond” lectures series, co-organised by the HEPP research group and its Now-Time Us-Space Kone Foundation project at the Faculty of Social Science, the Aleksanteri Institute at Faculty of Arts, from the University of Helsinki, as well as the Degree Programme of Politics from Tampere University.