Registration to the hackathon is closed.
Participation in the hackathon requires registration to the symposium. Those selected participants that have not registered to the symposium will be given a short notice to confirm their participation by registering to the symposium. Maximum 40 participants will be selected to participate in the hackathon based on the information given in the registration form. We will try to select participants from different labs and with different backgrounds to enable great and educative hackathon experience for the whole community. For instance, we aim to prevent too many participants from the same lab (>10%).
Participants will work with multiplexed fluorescence microscopy images of renal cancer tissue samples. The participants will develop and apply methods to profile these samples for instance to predict cancer aggressiveness. The dataset includes approximately 100 cases and about 500 multi-channel 4k x 4k images (~80GB of image data).
Participants will be divided into eight teams onsite. Each team (~5 members) will have access to GPU computing resources and the data in Jupyter environment hosted by our sponsor IT Center for Science (CSC). Each participant should bring their own laptop to the hackathon.
Participants will gain opportunity to spend two great days of hacking in relaxed environment. The main goals for the hackathon are to provide an environment for community interaction and learning, and hopefully enable sparks for novel ideas. Lunches and refreshments will be provided to the participants during the event. We are also looking into opportunities to write a paper describing the hackathon and its results with the participants who are interested in joining the writing process.