
Invited talks
Bahareh Afshari Cyclic Proof Systems for Modal Logics
Nick Bezhanishvili Filtrations, Canonical Formulas, and Axiomatizations of Superintuitionistic and Modal Logics
Melvin Fitting About `Binding Modalities'
Nina Gierasimczuk Learning and Modal Logic: There and Back Again

Accepted full papers

Ana de Almeida Borges and Joost J. Joosten Quantified Reflection Calculus with one Modality
Fausto Barbero and Fan Yang Counterfactuals and dependencies on causal teams: expressive power and deduction systems
Nick Bezhanishvili, Silvio Ghilardi and Lucia Landi Model Completeness and Π_2 -rules: the case of Contact Algebras
Guram Bezhanishvili and Luca Carai Temporal interpretation of intuitionistic quantifiers
Justin Bledin and Yitzhak Melamed Spinozian Model Theory
Yifeng Ding and Wesley Holliday Another Problem in Possible World Semantics
Sebastian Enqvist A circular proof system for the hybrid mu-calculus
Luis Estrada-González Possibility, consistency and connexivity
Giulio Fellin, Sara Negri and Peter Schuster Modal Logic for Induction
Saul Fernandez Gonzalez, Hans van Ditmarsch and Philippe Balbiani Quantifying over Asynchronous Information Change
Saul Fernandez Gonzalez and Philippe Balbiani Indexed Frames and Hybrid Logics
Jonas Forster and Lutz Schröder Non-iterative Modal Logics are Coalgebraic
Valentin Goranko The modal logic of almost sure frame validity in the finite
Rajeev Goré and Ian Shillito Bi-Intuitionistic Logics: a New Instance of an Old Problem
Jim de Groot, Helle Hansen and Alexander Kurz Logic-induced bisimulations
Andreas Herzig and Elise Perrotin On the axiomatisation of common knowledge
Wesley Holliday Inquisitive Intuitionistic Logic
Andrzej Indrzejczak Existence, Definedness and Definite Descriptions in Hybrid Modal Logic
Stanislav Kikot, Ilya Shapirovsky and Evgeny Zolin Modal logics with transitive closure: completeness, decidability, filtration
Jędrzej Kołodziejski Bisimulational Categoricity
Hirohiko Kushida Reduction of Modal Logic and Realization in Justification Logic
Stepan Kuznetsov The 'long rule' in the Lambek calculus with iteration: undecidability without meets and joins
George Metcalfe and Olim Tuyt A Monadic Logic of Ordered Abelian Groups
Satoru Niki and Hitoshi Omori Actuality in Intuitionistic Logic
Hitoshi Omori and Daniel Skurt A Semantics for a Failed Axiomatization of K
Hitoshi Omori and Heinrich Wansing An Extension of Connexive Logic C
Mikhail Rybakov and Dmitry Shkatov Algorithmic properties of first-order modal logics of the natural number line in restricted languages
Katsuhiko Sano Goldblatt-Thomason-style Characterization for Intuitionistic Inquisitive Logic
Igor Sedlar Finitely-valued Propositional Dynamic Logic
Daniyar Shamkanov Global neighbourhood completeness of the provability logic GLP
Sara L. Uckelman William of Sherwood on Necessity and Contingency

Accepted short presentations

The booklet of the short papers can be found here.

Melissa Antonelli The proof theory of apodictic syllogistic
Marta Bilkova, Sabine Frittella, Ondrej Majer and Sajad Nazari Belief based on inconsistent information
Manfred Borzechowski and Malvin Gattinger A proof from 1988 that PDL has interpolation?
Giovanna Corsi and Eugenio Orlandelli FOIL with constant domain revisited
Asta Halkjær From Hybrid logic in the Isabelle proof assistant: Benefits, challenges and the road ahead
Christopher Hampson FOLTL with counting quantifiers over finite timelines with expanding domains is Ackermann-complete
Andrey Kudinov Topological product of modal logics S4.1 and S4
Nils Kurbis A sketch of a proof-theoretic semantics for necessity
Sonia Marin, Luiz Carlos Pereira, Elaine Pimentel and Emerson Sales Ecumenical modal logic
Sonia Marin and Marianela Morales Elena Fully structured proof theory for intuitionistic modal logics
Johannes Marti Conditional logic is complete for convexity in the plane
Luka Mikec, Joost J. Joosten and Mladen Vuković A W-flavoured series of interpretability principles
Konstantinos Papafilippou and Joost J. Joosten Independent worm battles
Yaroslav Petrukhin Cut-free hypersequent calculi for the logics with non-standard S5-style modalities
Davide Emilio Quadrellaro Algebraic semantics of intuitionistic inquisitive and dependence logic
Daniel Rogozin Canonical extensions for the distributive full Lambek calculus with modal operators
Jan Mas Rovira, Luka Mikec and Joost J. Joosten Generalised Veltman semantics in Agda
Max Sandström Expressivity of linear temporal logic under team semantics
Katsuhiko Sano and Sakiko Yamasaki Subformula property and Craig interpolation theorem of sequent calculi for tense logics
Igor Sedlar A general completeness argument for propositional dynamic logic
Valentin Shehtman and Dmitry Shkatov Some prospects for semiproducts and products of modal logics
Xingchi Su Knowledge-based conditional obligation
Ren-June Wang Another proof of the realization theorem