7th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry

Participatory research, citizen science, co-creation, research creation, collaborative ways of knowing: the range of participatory approaches in qualitative inquiries has expanded in recent years, with such approaches being applied in an increasing number of disciplines as well as across paradigmatic boundaries. The ECQI 2024 engages with these developments with an aim to foster dialogues across and in-between disciplinary and paradigmatic divides. We invite engagement with questions such as: What does it mean to practice or enact participation in research? How are participation, voice and agency linked? What are the conditions of possibility for participation in different disciplines and among participants who are differently positioned in society? What unites and what separates differently labelled approaches with roots in different traditions of thought – and efforts to break free from them? Is participation always innocent? How can we work against the various hierarchising forces that shape academic research and the positions afforded to researchers and co-inquirers? It is timely to ask: Participation - but who is invited? By whom? For whom? With what kinds of consequences? 

We welcome submissions which engage directly with the congress theme but also those that reach beyond it and focus on timely topics within qualitative inquiries more broadly. We also welcome submissions from researchers at all stages of their careers, including undergraduate students and doctoral researchers.

Welcome to Helsinki!


Submission of abstracts for the congress is closed.

Registration for the congress is closed. 

Download the ECQI2024 Programme and Abstract Book.


The European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry is the annual conference of the European Network for Qualitative Inquiry. The congress is organised in Finland in 2024 for the first time and is hosted by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki.