
Here you will find more details on conference proceedings.

The Proceedings of the 69th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale will be published by Lockwood Press. The book will be published Green Open Access, which means that the volume in its entirety will be freely accessible 18 months following publication. Papers can also be published Gold open access if a processing fee is paid to the publisher, which will make them freely available immediately upon publication. We invite submission of all papers presented at the conference, but for reasons of space papers on the theme “Politics, Peoples, and Polities in the Ancient Near East” will be prioritized. All contributions will be peer reviewed.

We intend to publish the Proceedings expeditiously and will adhere to a strict publication timeline. The deadline for submission of papers is 1 August 2025.

To better plan the publication process, we cordially request all those who intend to contribute to the volume to register their interest through this linked online form before 15 September.
