Practical information

69th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale
July 8-12 2024, University of Helsinki

If you have any questions or need more information concerning the conference, please do not hesitate to contact us:

With problems or questions regarding registration and payments, please contact


Conference venue

The conference will be held at the University of Helsinki City Centre Campus in the Porthania building (Yliopistonkatu 3).

The Porthania building is accessible by wheelchair. The main entrance includes revolving doors and a door with an opening button.

Porthania PI is fully accessible by wheelchair. The audience areas of Porthania PII, PIII and PIV are accessible by wheelchair, but there are steps leading to the speaker's booth. Porthania P673 and P674 are accessible by wheelchair, but there are steps leading to the speaker's booth, and the elevator doors are heavy. All Porthania teaching rooms are equipped with an induction loop.

Online streaming

All scientific program of the 69th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale in the room PI will be live streamed for viewing free of charge through Unitube PI. Online questions and comments are not possible. The stream will be turned off during lunch breaks.

The workshop "Land management practices: migration and empire" in P674 will be live streamed for viewing free of charge through Unitube P674. Online questions and comments are not possible. The stream will be turned off during the lunch break.

Technology and wifi

Paper presenters who wish to show slides during their presentation are asked to bring the material (preferably .ppt or .pptx) on a USB memory device and upload it on the correct lecture hall computer before their scheduled session. Conference assistants are available for technical support. It is also possible to connect a personal laptop to the lecture hall equipment with a HDMI cable. Please bring any necessary adapters with you. 

In Finland, power outlets (sockets) are type F, and standard voltage is 230V at a frequency of 50 Hz. 

Eduroam is available at the conference venue, as well as the University of Helsinki free guest wifi (password uniguest).

Book exhibitors

The 69th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale organizers invite publishers to set up book stalls at the RAI. We hope to make a wide selection of publications on Ancient Near Eastern Studies available to our conference participants.

Book stalls will be located in the main lobby of the central venue (Porthania, Yliopistonkatu 3). The rental fee of a book table (140 cm x 70 cm) is € 100 for the duration of the conference. Tables can be rented via our online registration system March 1st - June 15th. We kindly ask all persons who will be working at the bookstalls to register for the conference as well.

If you have any questions regarding the topic, please contact Joanna Töyräänvuori.

Poster guidelines

Accepted poster presenters should bring their printed poster with them to the conference venue and hang it up. There are named poster boards and tacks at the poster session venue.

The poster format and design is up to your discretion, but please note that the A1 (594 x 841mm / 23,4 x 33,1’’) or A0 (841 x 1189mm / 84,1 x 118,9'') size format, with a portrait (vertical) orientation is preferred.

All posters should include a title, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), and contact information. The 69th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale logo may be used (download link below), as well as any other logos e.g. required by a funder. We recommend including some relevant background information on the topic/project, results and relevant discussions. Visual aids are also encouraged.

To encourage engagement with poster presentations, there will be a poster introduction session on Tuesday, July 9, at 15:30-16:00 in the room Porthania PI, followed by the poster session at 16:00-17:00 in the room Urbarium. Each poster presenter is allotted 1,5 minutes to briefly describe the topic of their poster to the conference participants in the introduction session. Poster presenters are then expected to be available for discussion near their poster during the poster session. Conference participants are encouraged to view posters at their leisure anytime during the conference, and to interact with presenters during the poster session.

PDF versions of posters presented at the 69th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale can be made available on the conference website. Should you wish to have an online version published on the conference website, please send it by email to the organizing committee as a PDF file.


There are many places to eat lunch near the conference venue. For lunch during conference days we recommend Unicafe Porthania. Unicafe serves a warm buffet lunch, salads or sandwiches.

Unicafe Porthania menu

Unicafe Porthania buffet lunch 10,70€. (Price includes all main courses, sides, salad buffet, tea/coffee.)
Salad bowls and dessert are sold separately.
Student discount only available with a Finnish student ID.

Monday July 7
Plant based patties & mango sauce (G, vegan)
Pasta limonello (vegan)
Chicken korma (G, L)
Salad bowl: Pulled oat & potato salad
Dessert: Blackcurrant quark

Tuesday July 8
Moroccan lentil stew (G, vegan)
Vegetarian moussaka (G, vegan)
Crispy codfish seasoned with lime and cilantro
Salad bowl: Chicken & couscous salad (L, M)
Dessert: Strawberry mousse with crispy granola (G, vegan)

Wednesday July 10
Quinoa patties & chimichurri sauce (G, vegan)
Lasagnette 'peas of heaven'
BBQ chicken sauce
Salad bowl: Wasabi salmon salad (L, M)
Dessert: Oat and lingonberry bake & vanilla sauce (low lactose)

Thursday July 11
Falafel, sweet and sour bell pepper mayo (G, vegan)
Vegetable korma (G, vegan)
Chicken kebab in tomato sauce (G, L)
Salad bowl: Nicoise salad
Dessert: Chocolate & peppermint mousse (K, L, M, vegan)

Friday July 12
Pulled oat ratatouille (M, vegan)
Salmon patties & mayo dip
Meatballs & creamy dijon sauce
Salad bowl: Seitan & cauliflower salad (vegan)
Dessert: Cheesecake panna cotta (L)