The EGF2020 virtual meeting provided the participants with (1) high-level scientific program and possibility to interact virtually with colleagues, (2) pre-recorded oral presentations and the opportunity for live discussion after each presentation, (3) virtual rooms for poster presentation, (4) virtual mid-conference tours to get acquainted with grassland production in Finland and (5) an electric proceedings book. The program consisted of seven invited keynote presentations and over 40 offered oral presentations. Thank you all for making the event a success!
The Proceedings are available for download on EGF website.
News, coming events and links:
- The 21st EGF Symposium "Sensing - New insights into grassland science and practice" will take place on 17-19 May 2021 online, hosted by the University of Kassel (Germany)
- The XIX International Silage Conference 8-12 August 2021, Beijing, China
- From grass root level to major sustainability issues – The European grassland scientists meet virtually led by Finland more
- Ruohonjuuritasolta suuriin kestävyyskysymyksiin – Euroopan nurmitutkijat kokoontuvat virtuaalisesti Suomen johdolla ...lue lisää
- The journal Agronomy has a special issue “Effects of Climate Change on Grassland Biodiversity and Productivity” open for manuscript submissions until 31 December 2020.