Student stories

Meet your future friends, peers, teammates and collaborators. Our students and alumni from around the world share their experiences and insights about studies and student life, and how the University of Helsinki supports them with their aspirations and goals.

What do our students, alumni and staff say about their degree programmes? What kind of professional options are there after graduating? How is life as a student in Helsinki? Find out by reading the articles with short interviews or watch the videos.

In the Master’s Programme in Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics (AGERE), you learn to use economics to confront global challenges.

The Master’s Programme in Human Nutrition and Food-Related Behaviour (HNFB) is for people who are interested in any aspect of nutrition.

In this video, two students talk about studying in the Master’s Programme in Urban Studies and Planning (USP). You can also read an article with two students and one teacher from the programme

It's a joint programme between the University of Helsinki and Aalto University, which prepares students to excel as professionals capable of understanding and addressing complex urban development challenges.

In the Master's programme in Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies (MAREEES), students learn different perspectives and develop their critical thinking and understanding of many ongoing issues to answer the increasing demand for regional expertise in this area.

Video series: One Minute With

In the #OneMinuteWith -series of short video interviews, our students answer some fun questions about themselves and their studies at their favourite spot on campus!

In this video, we're spending #OneMinuteWith Favour, a Master's student in Integrative Plant Sciences! She answers some questions whilst in a library at the Viikki campus.

We're spending #OneMinuteWith Su, a Master's student in Changing Education! Join her as she answers a few fun questions about her experiences at the University of Helsinki whilst at her favourite spot at Unisport Kluuvi.

We're spending #OneMinuteWith Sanchi, a Master's student in Contemporary Societies, studying Sociology! Join her as he answers a few fun questions whilst at her favourite spot at the Soc & Kom Library.

We're spending #OneMinuteWith Achmet, a Master's student in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety! Join him as he answers a few fun questions whilst at his favourite spot Biomedicum at the Meilahti campus.

Study for the world

At the University of Helsinki, we believe that the power of knowledge can change attitudes, people and society – for the world. Together, we aim to solve global challenges affecting us all. See how our students want to make an impact.

Marcus Bainbridge was travelling the world and made a pit stop in Finland, but ended up staying in the country for good. Now he studies in the Master’s Programme in Economics to become a microeconomist. His aim is to build more efficient information systems in order to help people make better decisions.

Gabrielle, an alumna in European and Nordic Studies, aspires to make Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data science more accessible for all.

Debanhi Jimenez Reyes combines her passion for mathematics and geology by researching geophysical processes that affect populations around the world. She studies in the Master’s Programme in Geology and Geophysics to become a specialist in the field of seismology.

Blogs by our students

What is there to do in Helsinki? How is the housing market for students? How to survive the winter? How to get an internship or a lab position? 

In the blog, our students write about studies and student life at the University of Helsinki.



Video series: New in Helsinki

In the #NewInHelsinki -series of short video interviews, our students talk about their time at the University of Helsinki and what advice they would give to their fresher selves.

Once, Debby was new in Helsinki. She came from Indonesia to Finland to study in the Master's Programme in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology.

Once, Fahsinee was new in Helsinki. She moved from Thailand to Finland to start her studies in the Master’s Programme in Data Science.

Once, Ana was new in Helsinki. She came from Portugal to Finland to study in the Master’s Programme in Global Politics and Communication.

Once, Faria was new in Helsinki. It was winter when she moved from Bangladesh to join the Master’s Programme in Intercultural Encounters.

Studying for a healthier world

The University of Helsinki educates health experts who understand the connection between animal, human and environmental health and are prepared to solve global health-related challenges of the future. 

Campus life
Get a degree with us

Explore the wide variety of our master's and doctoral programmes, or find out more about the Bachelor’s Programme in Science. To keep updated about the application dates and processes, subscribe to our Admissions Newsletter.