Profile & activities

The central themes of DENVI are sustainability challenges and pathways to a more sustainable future across terrestrial, fresh-water and marine social ecological systems. The programme gathers together the essential fields of natural and social sciences, law and humanities that are needed to study the complexity of environmental change and pathways to sustainable development.
Courses and studying

A doctoral degree in DENVI comprises a doctoral thesis and 40 credits of doctoral studies. The studies are divided into scientific content and transferable skills studies.

Part of the studies can be completed flexibly by presenting your research at scientific conferences, teaching, supervising/mentoring others, writing popular articles and attending relevant seminars.

Visit our study planning instructions for current doctoral students on the University's Instructions for Students.

The programme organises DENVI themed interdisciplinary workshops, scientific content and methodological courses. You can also complete doctoral-level courses from other Finnish Universities, as well as from international Universities and research institutes.

Courses in research ethics and transferable skills are offered throughout the academic year by the Doctoral School in Environmental, Food and Biological Sciences (YEB).

Get started:

Events and activities

The DENVI annual meeting is organised on a rotating basis on one of the University campuses each year. The event is aimed at doctoral researchers and their supervisors.

DENVI members have the chance to participate in writing retreats twice a year. Articles, book chapters, review articles and other text can be written over a few days of concentrated writing.