Employment as a doctoral researcher

The next application period for university-funded doctoral researcher positions is 27.8.-9.9.2024.

Other ways of funding a PhD project is a salary paid by the supervisor or a personal grant from a private foundation applied by the doctoral candidate him/herself. Doctoral candidates may also fund their studies themselves or pursue their degree in tandem with work.
Salaried position call 2024

The next application period for university-funded doctoral researcher positions is 27.8.-9.9.2024 in the University’s Open Positions -website. Please find the instructions on the Instruction for Students -website (select ILS in the drop-down menu).

De­cision on salary po­s­i­tions 2023

ILS received altogether 97 applications. All eligible application were evaluated by an external evaluation panel. The external panel decided to invite 19 top candidates to a critical thinking assignment that was arranged on October 23. The ILS board made the final decisions based on the combined scores from the external panel and the critical thinking assignment. The applicants were anonymized to ensure unbiased selection.


The funding was awarded to (in alphabetical order):

Giovanna Dashi, 3 years (supervisor Markku Varjosalo)

Olivia Dreilinger, 4 years, UH Science Foundation position (supervisor Claudius Kratochwil)

Onur Deniz, 2 years (supervisor Ville Hietakangas)

Matea Radešić, 4 years (supervisor Peter Sarin)


Two selected applicants did not give permission to publish their names.

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