Profile & activities

The Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research (KLTO) is aimed at training professional researchers and academic scientists in the field of clinical medicine. The objective of the doctoral programme is to ensure that doctoral researchers develop the skills and competence necessary for independent research.
Key research areas

The programme supports doctoral training in clinical medicine by advancing the expertise and knowledge in the following key areas:

  • studying epidemiology, etiology, clinical features, diagnostics, treatment and outcome, prevention and prognosis of diseases, critical evaluation and practical application of research results
Studies in KLTO

Doctoral researchers have an opportunity to participate in basic and advanced courses that support clinical research, as well as an extensive selection of transferable skills courses.

PhD can­did­ate or­gan­isa­tion activ­it­ies

Doctoral researchers have many opportunities to participate in planning activities and influence on decision-making in doctoral education.

Further information on student council activities is available in the Instructions for students on the article Doctoral researchers and student organisation activities, and on other organisation activities in the Instructions for students on the article Doctoral students as student representatives