For international film crews

We welcome international film and television crews, who wish to film in and around the university and we will provide assistance wherever possible.

News photography, filming, recording and live broadcasting on campus is generally permitted as long as the news story pertains to, or involves the University of Helsinki, or a member of the university community.

If access is required to a specific location, such as a library, classroom or laboratory, additional permission may be required.

Contact our Communications team at least two weeks before you arrive. We can help you to liaise with researchers, students and find topics for interviews.

  • Let us know when you are coming and how long you will be staying?
  • Which media you represent?
  • Number of cast and crew members
  • The purpose and topic of the filming. What is the intended use of the material?
  • Which researchers do you need to interview or which research areas are you interested in?

Please send an e-mail to our international communications specialist concerning the filming or photography.

The University Communications assists the press and media in matters concerning research, studying and finding experts from the University of Helsinki. Also interview requests concerning researchers can be sent to the same address.