Press attention

These are the scientific papers that have been published on the news

2020. Heated rivalries: Phenological variation modifies competition for pollinators among arctic plants.

Tiusanen, M, Kankaanpää, T, Schmidt, NM, Roslin, T. Heated rivalries: Phenological variation modifies competition for pollinators among arctic plants. Glob Change Biol. 2020; 00: 1– 13.


Earth.comHealth Medicine NetworkMundo Agropecuario

Science news


2020. Parasitoids indicate major climate‐induced shifts in arctic communities.

Kankaanpää, T, Vesterinen, E, Hardwick, B, et al. Parasitoids indicate major climate‐induced shifts in arctic communities. Glob Change Biol. 2020; 00: 1– 20.


ScienzaAZO Life Sciencesforskning.seHealth Medicine Network

General news


Science news

ScienceDaily, ENN, EarthNewsWise, 7thSpace, ScienceCodex, PhysOrgExpertSvar,, BrightSurf, AgenparlScienMag, Mirage, Bioengineer

2017. Higher Predation Risk for Insect Prey at Low Latitudes and Elevations.

Roslin, T. V., Hardwick, B., Novotny, V., Petry, W. K., Andrew, N. R., Asmus, A., Barrio, I. C., Basset, Y., Boesing, A. L., Bonebrake, T. C., Cameron, E. K., Dáttilo, W., Donoso, D. A., Drozd, P., Gray, C. L., Hik, D. S., Hill, S. J., Hopkins, T., Huang, S., Koane, B., Laird-Hopkins, B., Laukkanen, L., Lewis, O. T., Milne, S., Mwesige, I., Nakamura, A., Nell, C. S., Nichols, E., Prokurat, A., Sam, K., Schmidt, N. M., Slade, A., Slade, V., Suchanková, A., Teder, T., van Nouhuys, S., Vandvik, V., Weissflog, A., Zhukovich, V. & Slade, E. M. 2017. Higher Predation Risk for Insect Prey at Low Latitudes and Elevations. Science. 356, 6339: 742-744


Science, AAAS, SLU, Oxford, Lancaster, STT, Eurekalert, University of Turku, University of Iceland, Publicnow, Biology Centre CAS, Universitetet i Bergen, University of Alberta, University of Helsinki, STRI

Science & Environment News

Livescience,, Health medicine network, iflscience, Naked science, Science Daily, Myscience, Popular Science,, Tiedetuubi, Science Recorder (video), GeoBeats, News (Youtube), Science and More (Youtube),, Biosphere,,, Today's Science, ScienceNewsline, Sveriges Radio Vetenskap,, Scienmag,,,, Bolivia EN Tus Manos, Новости, мерики, Smithsonian, Mother Nature Network

General news

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2016. One fly to rule them all – muscid flies are the key pollinators in the Arctic

Tiusanen, M., Hebert, P. D. N., Schmidt, N. M., Roslin T.S 2016. One fly to rule them all – muscid flies are the key pollinators in the Arctic. Proc. R. Soc. B 20161271


Alphagalileo, SLU, SLU (English)

Science & Environment News

Science Daily,, Scientific American (audio), HS Tiede,, ScienceNordic, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment,

General News

Aftonbladet, Sydsvenskan, Metro, Ystads Allehanda, NA,,,, Folkbladet, Trelleborgs Allehanda, Epoch Times, ATL, Affärsliv, Östra Småland Nyheterna,

Barometern OT, Sameradion, Eatglobe,


DNA Barcoding

2016. Treating cattle with antibiotics affects greenhouse gas emissions, and microbiota in dung and dung beetles.

Hammer, T. J., Fierer, N., Hardwick, B., Simojoki, A., Slade, E., Taponen, J., Viljanen, H., Roslin, T. 2016. Treating cattle with antibiotics affects greenhouse gas emissions, and microbiota in dung and dung beetles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20160150



Science & Environment News

Science Magazine, Science News, New Scientist,,,, reddit, Natursidan, The Fern

General News

Deutschlandfunk (audio), BBC News, Daily Mail, ABC News, BBC Newsday (14:05), Deutsche Welle, The Cattle Site, Gizmodo, South China Morning Post, Huffington Post, NBC News, Tech Times, iNews, msn nyheter,, Dalarnas Tidningar, Göteborgs-Posten,, feednavigator, Global Times info, Bondebladet, Jordbruksaktuellt, ATL, Ytterjärna, Landbrugsavisen, Värmlandsbygden, Conservation, Maaseudun Tulevaisuus


2014. Complementary molecular information changes our perception of food web structure.

Wirta, H. K., Hebert, P. D. N., Kaartinen, R. Prosser, S. W., Várkonyi, G. & Roslin, T. 2014. Complementary molecular information changes our perception of food web structure. PNAS 11: 1885–1890


STT, Univ Helsinki News, MMTDK, Zackenberg, AlphaGalileo

Science & Environment News

Science Daily, Helsingin Sanomat Tiede, Myscience,

General News

Aamulehti, Helsingin Sanomat print, Verkkouutiset, Redorbit


DNA barcoding

2013. Species-area relationships across four trophic levels – decreasing island size truncates food chains.

Roslin, T., Várkonyi, G., Koponen, M., Vikberg, V. & Nieminen, M. 2013. Species-area relationships across four trophic levels – decreasing island size truncates food chains. Ecography 37: 443–453


STT, EurekAlert, Ecography FB, Ecography FB. Ecography Twitter, Ecography Twitter

Science & Environment News

e! Science News

General news

Iltalehti, Turun Sanomat, Satakunnan Kansa, Aamulehti, Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, Länsi-Suomi, Radio Pori, Softpedia

2013. Using citizen scientists to measure an ecosystem service nationwide.

Kaartinen, R., Hardwick, B. & Roslin, T. 2013. Using citizen scientists to measure an ecosystem service nationwide. Ecology 94: 2645–2652.


EurekAlert, Science Daily, STT,

Science & Environment News

Helsingin Sanomat Tiede, Tiede & Tutkimus, PhysOrg, Inkfish, StudentScience, Bang Science, ScienceNews

General News

Tekniikka & Talous, Examiner, The American Scholar, Verkkouutiset, Aamulehti, HBL 19.11.2013 s.24: "Koskit", IS 9.11.2013 s. 15: "Lantatutkimukseen apua nuorilta",

2013. Quantifying Beetle-Mediated Effects on Gas Fluxes from Dung Pats.
2012. Arthropod Diversity in a Tropical Forest.